Which MMOs did what best?

Obviously this is going to be a person preference thing and there are no real answers

But everyone what MMOs did you find worked the best in different aspects?

For story I’m throwing my hat in the ring for ESO, only game to ever make me listen to NPCs, it may be because the quests are a little more adult

Personally I’m going to give combat to GW2, I think they did a good job at mashing tab targeting with action combat

WoW gets my prize for best end game, the loop they’ve created is fairly hard to beat although it seems to be weakening now

PvP I’m giving to WoW as well, this purely may be based off me having Australian MS and WoW accomodating that, also everything does what it should do and it’s fairly clean - also the community is large

Player economy? Old school RuneScape hands down no questions asked

Honourable mentions to ESOs housing, wasted many hours here
GW2 has some amazing design for their weapons and armour
WoW for no loading screens

Best overall?
Old school RuneScape. Any game that can get me to chop wood for hours on end and kill the same boss 3,000 time’s has some whack stuff going down


FFXI - It got me to waste more time than any other willingly. It was mostly grinding in small leveling groups but it was fun. Took forever though.


Frankly Runescape does player progression better then any game I’ve ever seen, quite literally everything you do in RS advances your character meaningully.

Quests allow you access to all sorts of new content to get gear to do more quests for more content. Frankly if something followed that same design principle but without the 1000s of hours of mind-numbing grinding it would be like the best MMO ever.


FFXIV crafting is awesome.

In FFXIV I also love that you can swap classes on a dime without changing characters. I really, really liked that.

SWG had great but tedious crafting as well. Armor and weapons broke so they were alwasy relevant.

Enjoyed SWG handling of classes as well.

WoW playable races are the best outside of GW2.

Wildstars housing was legendary.

Neverwinter let you do custom dungeons…they did at least, it’s no longer supported.


Character Creation: City of Heroes
If you calculated my time in there, hour for hour, I probably spent months doing that.


End game-WoW
pvp-EvE online (the whole game is pvp)
Economy-EvE online (literally the whole game)

Honorable mentions: LOTRO-good but I could be playing WoW, SWTOR-Good but I could be playing WoW, ESO-Good but I could be playing WoW

Best overall-At this point ffxiv is probably better for me, but the sunk cost fallacy is real with me.


I miss this. The community player driven interaction was fantastic.

i enjoy being able to have one character be every class in FF14 as well as the usually great story, i enjoyed the flexibility in making a class with Rift, and i actually remember the pvp being pretty good in GW2.

most memorable thing though? being able to have a different set of weapons in GW2 which determined some of what abilities you got based on your class.

Dude, that was so friggin cool. City of Heroes really some things so well. Like, the core combat may have been very “meh”, but the presentation of that game was off-the-charts.

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F2P games are better at getting you to spend money than WoWs monthly subscription basis. I’ve literally spent hundred of dollars on games like Warthunder.

GW2 - how they did mounts in path of fire was great. I also think they have some of the best zone design and world puzzles around (love tangled depths). Zone wide events were super fun. Love their art style and combat.

ESO - I liked the skill system, combat stinks though.

FFXIV - Awesome expansion spanning stories. They have awesome music. Great characters. Very grinds, but the grind tends to be rewarding enough you can do them. I like the class system.

City of Heroes - just mad fun no other super hero mmo has been able to replicate, IMO. So said when it closed.

I reeeeally want a great quality sci fi mmo.

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I can only reference games I’ve played.

World of Warcraft has the best gameplay of any MMO I’ve ever played. It’s just… fun to play. It feels like an action RPG. Movement and ability activation just feel really good. I really enjoy the story and lore, however…

Star Wars the Old Republic has the best storytelling in any MMO. Each class having their own unique story with multiple outcomes is just really fresh, and even rewards you for playing another character of the same class. It was such a nice change of pace.

Eve Online does community the best. I don’t even know if there’s an actual story in that game, because the community driven stuff is just really incredible.

And finally, my favorite MMO, the Matrix Online, did roleplay better than anyone else. The entire game’s content revolved around roleplay. Endgame was participating in live events, where a paid team of actors roleplayed as storyline characters that you could interact with, which affected the official canon of the ongoing Matrix storyline. It was truly incredible, and I miss it every day.


Wild star did music and atmosphere better than anyone else I think…


You would like ragnarok online.

Crafting in Star Wars: Galaxies was AMAZING.

10/10 would do again.

DAOC had the best pvp/rvr of any game I’ve ever played,


I like to think that WoW is best raid MMO but after noticing raiders I know quitting or missing raid nights left and right, and then Preach’s video yesterday I’m starting to wonder if it still is.

The last expac I raided was WoD, and there was no “mandatory” grinds to stay up to date back then, it was actually the opposite issue. (People only logging for raid nights and other days nobody was online.) A lot of things seem to have changed for raiders.

Asharan’s Call felt the most like a massive real world.
UO felt the most like you were an adventurer in a world.
DAoC did PvP best with their fronters and darkness falls pvp dungeon.


Clear bias here from me because I havent played other mmos enough to have a proper understanding. Wow is the only endgame I have played.

Eso wins for leveling PvP. Super easy to get into. Good experience gains and very fun. I have ne idea about balance though

Eso also takes it for ability customization too. I like being able to make any build no matter if its good or not. Its just more fun.

Ff14 had the most fun crafting experience.
Great character creation too.
Also very pretty game.

Tera had the most fun combat for me.

Honestly I still play wow because of my community and sunk cost.

Exploration - GW2 - I thought GW2 did a great job with this. Jumping puzzles, vistas. And like an earlier mentioned I think that it actually did mounts better than WoW. If GW2 didn’t have all the load screens between zones I would give them environment design too

Story/Narrative - SWTOR - Definitely this games strong suit. Although gimmicky at times, still a welcome change to soulless kiosk NPC problem many MMOs suffer

PvP - DAoC - Just a great PvP game. I wish WoW had more capturable objectives and zone control

Combat - WoW - Not saying WoWs combat is perfect by any means but it definitely just feels better and more intuitive than any MMO I’ve played at least