Which is the worst state for a Zombie apocalypse?

The red tinfoil is a fashion no no.

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This is the best part, the "lamentation of the ‘wimmins’ ".

haha, i get it, you think all of California is Hollywood and all of New York is Manhattan

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Why didn’t you respond to this also?

didn’t see it

Sure lol :+1: :grinning:

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Idk. I disagree.

I think Maine or Oregon would be among the best states, if you want to survive a Zombie Apocalypse. They have alot of good land for crops, and coastlines filled with sea food to harvest. And they have very rural and sparsely populated areas outside of their cities.

I live in Nevada, and I feel like it would be rough. With no commerce, the resources would get limited quickly. It would be like a war zone amongst the survivors for the dwindling stuff.

All I know is that rednecks love to cling to the fantasy of the zombie apocalypse because it is the only scenario in which their poor decision-making in their lives might actually lead to mild success. Might.

But zombie apocalypses are not a thing in the real world.

Alabama because even if you win, you’re still in Alabama.


Florida is already full of zombies… I mean senior citizens.

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Yeah they are close already lol.

Considering how you guys handled COVID, I’m pretty sure you’re screwed regardless of what state a zombie outbreak happened in.


Any landlocked state is probably at a disadvantage. Yea, coastlines are screwed due to population centers, but!

If you can manage to find some fuel and a sea-worthy boat, you can isolate yourself from the zombies for however long your supplies last.

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in the case of Maine: sure, for four months out of the year. the other 8 months it’s too cold to grow anything on that land

Long island is a landing strip with one exit unless you have a boat or private plane. In any disaster it is absolute toast.

Heavily populated states would be the most affected obviously, but they would have the most supplies. Risk vs. reward.

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Yeah the only problem with that is, how long are your supplies going to actually last? Probably not that long I would guess. Then back to land and the zombies you go.

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With enough fuel and a big enough ship you could stay out at sea for months if not years.

What about food and medicine and liquids? This is a zombie apocalypse so it’s not long you have had a long time to prepare lol.

For the sake of survival, supplies can last a pretty long time. A realistic zombie apocalypse would be much easier to survive than a nuclear one.