Which is superior? Cats or Dogs

I’ve grown up with both and have learned:

Cats train their owners to respond to their meowing and know how to plop their bodies right in the way of whatever their owner is doing to get their owners’ attention.

Dogs just love to let you know you’re loved by them.

So dogs for the win.


I went through this as well. Had a cat for around 15 years and after finally having to let her go I decided no more. I can breath so much better and don’t have the eye irritation like I used to. It stinks because I don’t have that companionship anymore, but it wasn’t until months had past that I realized just how much cat dander impacted my allergies. I’d get a dog, but I’m simply not around enough. At least my parents have been bringing their dogs to work for years, so I have that. :smiley:

This is Zoe

And this is Gemma

Funny story about Gemma. The other day she seemed totally out of it. Like she was depressed and wouldn’t perk up or eat. She was like this all day at work. When my dad got home with her she ran to the sliding glass door to the backyard. Dad let her out and she bolted to her frisbee. That’s why she was so sad. She had left her “baby” outside. :rofl:

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Dogs: trainable, loyal, and they may hesitate to eat you for a few days.

Cats on the other hand: not trainable, not really loyal they just use you for necessities and are still kinda wild animals, and will absolutely eat you if you die (within minutes).

Also cats sometimes carry parasites which make you crazy.

Cats simply don’t have the social areas of their cranium developed necessary to be a domestic companion animal, biologically speaking they’re still wild and will more often than not revert to feral when left to their own devices.

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I like both but in terms of feeding and care, cats are soooooo much easier. Keeping 2-4 cats healthy and happy is easier than doing the same with even a single dog, especially moderate to large dogs and dogs with long coats.

With the cats I clean out the litter robot once a week, feed them 2x a day, and let them cuddle me and that’s it. No poo trips, no walks, no brushing or trips to groomers, no baths. And early on, no need to take the cats out to socialize with other kittens or pour time into training them.

I currently have two cats. Might get a mid-sized dog at some point, partially just to have a critter to make a big racket if someone tries to break in at night, but I’m in no rush.

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I’m much more of a cat person.

Never been a fan of dog smells, and cats tend to be very clean, or at least all my cats have been. Don’t really need to train a cat the way you do a dog. They’re fairly low maintenance pets, which is great.


I just love animals. I prefer to keep cats as pets and admire the dogs of others, though. Do not have the land, time or money to give dogs the lives they deserve. Also, the barking hurts my ears. They’re still adorable, just too loud.
:cat: :dog:


Pretty kitties!!


One interesting thing to note, felines are an oddity in biology and animal psychology, big cats are oddly MORE sociable than their “domesticated” counterparts…


Worgen Druids, the best of both worlds. :slight_smile:

Cats MAINLY “take care of themselves.”

Cats are basically a parasite mainly interested in themselves. For the most part what they do, the affection they seem to feel for you, is because you are their caregiver. Like a dog, they completely understand that you are the one who feeds them and they need you.

A dog is actually a natural “pack” animal. You are able to become the “alpha” and be a part of its pack. The pack is actually an important family; the dog will put its own life on the line to protect you and the pack.

A dog is naturally a much more “social” animal. A cat is like a tiger and this is why you often hear about “one person” cats.

Both are fine pets but their underlying motivation is different.

I live in an apartment alone, working the overnight shift. It would actually be “cruel” of me to get a dog as a pet. Though not much of a cat person, I can get along with them. So in my circumstance that would be the ideal pet since cats don’t “need as much.”

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I don’t understand how someone can just say dogs are stupid. They are one of the smartest animals on the planet.

I did say practically lol… Slightly different meaning I suppose if you want to nitpick.

Hard disagree lol. You must have had some bad rng kitties.

For dogs that depends on the breed. Some dogs are very much a 1 person dog.
I grew up with cats and this is very contradictory to my experience with them. So off lol. They have all been very loving and affectionate family cats. They are just as happy to see us come through the door but we don’t have to be slobbered on. :woman_shrugging:

When I say idiots I mean derpy. Too excited to pay attention to what they are doing, stepping on, tails hitting. Meh, that’s just not my thing.

For such a smart animal though you would think they would house train faster. It’s not uncommon for puppies to take 3 months-1 year to figure it out. Cats you just show them the litter box, done!

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Are they? Strays are known to form large colonies. House cats generally don’t like when you introduce a new cat into their territory but it’s not as if you’d be pleased if a stranger showed up unannounced and moved into your house.

Dogs are stupid. Nah it’s the owners and it leads to 4.5 million dog bites a year. That said cat owners that let their cats out to wreck the ecosystem and are surprised fluffy got ran over are just as dumb. Don’t blame an animal for being an animal.

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Don’t discount the breed. 70% of that number came from one in particular.

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That’s the thing. There’s no (need to) train cats, they’re easy. Dogs you have to be ready to work with them and be very consistent, like a toddler.

Pros and cons. Dogs are more social, but are more dependent. Cats less social, but don’t require as much attention. I prefer dogs.

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Pits? A lady’s dog got killed and she was attacked trying to defend it by a pit bull in December on my street. Neither dog was on a leash which I’ll never understand.

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Yeah they have the most fatalities and bites by a large margin.

However, you can’t say that out loud because of “pit biased” or some nonsense like that.

Doesnt mean you allergic to all cat. Im allergic to the one i grew up with. But the one I live with now is completly fine. I suggest you do a test period if you want more cat in the futur.

As for dog its more work. I love my dog she’s a 3 pound dog. And I have to watch her cause well the cat like 11pound and always bother her to play and she doesnt want to

I was attacked twice by shar peis as a kid and the city did nothing both times. Need stitches once and the other time I was able to hop a fence. Been super weary around new dogs ever since.