Which do you prefer? Horde or Alliance?

I like the Alliance because it has draenei and provides more opportunitys to slay orcs.

best starting city ever made in the history of warcraft is suramar. unbelievable that so much attention to detail went into it, and now new players can and do, skip right over it unless they make a nightborne in shadowlands and see the smaller starting area for nightborne.

what a gorgeous piece of coding and art assets. i’d have that place front and center, showing it off as often as possible.

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and draenei have velen and the best soundtrack, and spaceships.

Eh, suramars alright, I never was a big fan of nightborne, theyre just skinnier void elves

well admittedly, it is a very elf-like city and has a feminine quality to it. like the rooms of a house, it would be the one where the ladies hang out . haha

They have more animations, not better animations.
Have you seen I, Robot with Will Smith?
That’s how female humans look.

At least in Latin America servers, Horde players have a tendency to be irritating because playing it may make them feel super cool, and edgy and “manly” to the point it’s disgusting. That along with the fact that they are the vast majority and you can still see them complaining about us Alliance players made me cancel Horde forever. I just can’t stand their players and their evident fragile egos (here).

I’ve been Horde mainly, but I’ve mained Alliance for a few patches. I prefer the Alliance, but all of my friends are Horde sadly.

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I prefer horde for the most part. Been horde since I started this game only taking minor breaks to play alliance. In BFA I think I’ve played more alliance than horde because of the TERRIBLE horde story and I can’t stand the elf corpse or her lap dog.

I’ve enjoyed alliance this time. I think BFA is the most I’ve ever played alliance in all my time playing wow.

I enjoy the aesthetics of the Alliance, but enjoy playing as horde as well.

Alliance. Third-world savages are overrated.

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My friends and siblings play alliance.

I also have been in a guild since Wrath and we do our fair share of mythic plus, so I feel like I can progress enough.

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See I find the Horde winning a lot not because we’re somehow inherently better at PvP. It’s more of a constant communication of units. Picking our next attack point. Alliance too often is zerging because it’s a lack of communication.

When BGs have alternate objectives like the Panda farm or Azerite mining, the Horde fails horribly. Alliance needs like a PvE objective otherwise they act like the Overmind died and ironically a Lich King less undead.

I’ve been in winning BGs with my Ally toon. It’s rare, but at least 60% need to drop the solo act long enough. And often in those cases, I’ve seen the BGs come to winning by a few points. The Horde bring the A game all the time. Alliance shows up with the cast from Dodgeball.


I miss playing as trolls but would rather be able to play with my wife so I’m alliance.

That’s why I’d like naga/arrakoa/sethrak so I could still have a beastly Savage race on alliance.

I’m also kind of annoyed that my entire wow career I’ve played on the underdog faction having quit horde after wod

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I used to Main Alliance, but I’ve recently decided to pick up Horde, to my surprise, I found a lot of the players in the main cities to be less Obnoxious and more talkative. I mostly joined to do more Rps and Guild stuff, so far Im trying to learn the ropes of the areas and where to go, but I found that Horde seemed to be more friendly when it comes to banters in Trade Chat vs the same old “Carol Killed her husband.” Meme in Alliance, Granted I was also in Moongaurd SOOO that might of impacted the alliance expeirance.

I prefer Alliance, though I do like the tauren experience. I wish they would have made all of the capital cities equally outfitted, instead of just focusing on SW and Org.


I prefer Horde because of the various races, the storylines are more interesting and the territory is more diverse. I do run Alliance alts as a change of pace.

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They win… everything. They aren’t led by a crybaby carebear.

Most importantly, they have vulpera.

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Facts… :+1:

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Could never stand the main aesthetic of the Horde being mud huts with spikes. I’d gladly go back without complaint if they moved away from it more since I do enjoy Nightborne, Trolls, and Blood Elves.

But I’m Alliance because the overall aesthetic is more pleasing, Void Elves, Night Elves and Worgen are cool, and the cities are a bit less obnoxious to the eyes.
Seriously, I get headaches being in Silvermoon too long because it’s so dang bright, and Orgrimmar is so red it also does the same thing. Give that place some green.

It sucks because most of my friends doing content (M+/Raids) went back Horde. I finally got away from it, and I may have to go back if I want to play the game any more seriously.