Which do you prefer? Horde or Alliance?


The alliance gnome is cute, the night elf has amazing environments, horde? The orc, the undead, the troll, ugly and scary if anything, my 8 year old watched my 14 year old play undead once, he ended up screaming in the middle of the night from undead-related nightmares
. My 14 year old let my 8 year old play his account once, my 8 year old tried both the alliance human and the horde blood elf, I asked him which he liked more, he said: “ definitely the human, silver moon city is so confusing i get lost a million times just trying to find a guard to ask for the mage trainer, and it’s just too fancy, it seems so fake, and it feels so different, in stormwind city, they say “ greetings my friend” or “ how may I help you” and the night elves say “ Elune bless you” or “ goddess watch over you” but the blood elves all say “ death to all who oppose us” or “ victory shall be ours” or some weird language that I can’t understand”

Everything considered , I just like alliance more, don’t you agree?

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Draeneis, nuff said.

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Alliance because they are actually a family of various people grouping together trying to survive.

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Alliance is too bland. Horde all the way!

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Horde. Edgy transmogs. Grew fond of the color red. Edgier mounts. And they have way more anti-heroes which I am a fan of in superhero stories.

I played alliance mostly in mop.
Horde is home. :heart:

Same. I mainly play a forsaken hunter and worgen death knight so I can see both sides of the story.

Horde. Better races, better aesthetic. Just better.

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  1. Horde
  2. the races look more varied rather then…Human, Hairy short human, little baby human ect

I like Horde better because I liked Orcs in Warcraft II and I enjoyed their growth as a people through Warcraft III and onward as bad guys transitioning from evil to noble. Horde npcs generally felt more genuine and warm than Alliance ones in WoW when I started in on it. Plus, Horde has the most races I like and the feel I like (less Renaissance Festival more High Fantasy Cave Romans). That said, there are some things about The Alliance I really like too. Dwarves are plain awesome.

It depends. I personally prefer the horde, but I like the alliance for void elves, night elves, and a few other races. But I prefer horde because I like the server I play on and I just like the horde.

I think the majority of the players PREFER Alliance. My self included. We just dont want to feel like we are playing with our hands cut off. So we main Horde



I can see why people like the Horde. After all, they’re becoming more and more Alliance-like all the time.


Horde, I can switch when doing BG’s but I look so FAT being a Human :wink: I’m Horde forever FTW~

Giga unholy necro of hell.

As for the question, Sin’dorei, don’t really care about either factions, means to an end all that jazz.

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Honestly, visually-wise I like them equally.

Player-wise, I notice that Horde has far fewer holier-than-thou people… the Alliance playerbase appears to me to be very self-righteous and antagonistic.

I’m so happy that they’re moving more towards “play with your friends, even if you’re opposite faction.”

I happily await the time when my Alliance characters can join my Horde guild cross-server.

I will ALWAYS prefer Horde over Alliance, but don’t have an issue going Alliance, they got dwarves! I was always an Orc player in all the Warcraft games. I dabbled in the Undead on WC3, but always fell back to my comfort… Orcs. So yea, Horde for me.

I do not care for factions, I adore the world for what it is. Reading through this topic, I honestly have to ask: Did the developers purposely rampaged the Alliance to the ground?

No race diversity, no engaging storyline (and saved for the books), no real impact, always the victims (Teldrassil Burning) and disservice through and through (Allied Races).

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The Alliance… Better capitals and nice background music .
I love Silvermoon… but the capital it’s left in Burning Crusade … if they change the main city for the Horde - would be much better .