Which do you prefer? Horde or Alliance?

1) Which faction do you prefer Horde or Alliance? Even if you don’t play your prefered Faction (due to Friends).
2) Why do you prefer it?


  • I main Horde. I was Ally for 14 years. After everyone I know quit wow I had no ties to Alliance anymore. So I faction changed to my prefered Faction of Horde.
  • My reason for preferring Horde is I like the races and Allied Races better and I am pretty much pure PvP.

As an added bonus Horde has the great forum frequent user Peppermint :two_hearts:


Cute Purple Kitty form. And I like the color blue, and indigo, and purple, and… WAGGLE!! I’m sorry, what were we talking about?


I play both to see both sides POV. But I do prefer Horde because of Tauren.


Horde doesn’t pretend to be righteous in some moments and then wipe out the defias who rebuilt stormwind in the next.

Muh tiffin.

  1. I don’t prefer factions
  2. … because I play both.

If I want to do group activities it’s almost always as Horde. If I’m rolling through solo story content it’s on both sides. If I’m doing PvP it’s usually on Horde but I started on Alliance. So yeah, I play both. That’s just how it is.

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Alliance cause its the better transmog side and rightful correct moral side. The horde starting a pointless war every other expansion or 2 disgusts me. They can’t escape their origins of bloodthirsty war nature.


When WoW first came out Blizz pushed the Alliance as GOOD and the Horde as, Underdog Scoundrels Trying To Survive Against The Mighty Good Guys, but as the games progressed that Good vs Horde lore really hampered what the Alliance can do. I.E, they can do no wrong evil things like offing an important ruler to inject some needed drama on their side.


Alliance. Races, cities, lore, I like all of it more. The Horde has a different and good appeal too, I also play them plenty often. But I do prefer the Alliance atmosphere the most.


I’m a total sucker for the “Found Family” trope. Where a bunch of outcast misfits group together and basically become each others family. Horde is like that for me.


As long as the writers don’t keep hitting the Horde with the villain bat, I prefer both.


Baine is going to die for being an Alliance Sympathizer, Magatha Grimtotem will rise to power and the cycle begins again.

Alliance because:

  1. I don’t like playing evil factions
  2. I hate the color red
  3. I don’t like buildings covered in spikes

I prefer ally, but Blizz insists everyone plays Horde because they have the best racials for pve and pvp in the game. Ally can get rep faster via human… woohoo! I started off BFA as ally and couldn’t find any groups. I made a horde toon and re-leveled to max and knew I couldn’t go back to ally. I was getting into so many groups because that’s where a large majority of the players are now. Blizz seriously needs to remove combat racials from the game. Stuff like tauren herbalism speed, nelf whisp, dwarf treasure tracking, and vulpera camp are cool and unique, and don’t interfere with performance. People should be able to choose a race because they WANT to play that race, not because they feel obligated due to performance being tied to the race.

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I wouldn’t put it past the writers. Now, what do you think about the Scarlet Brotherhood’s propaganda. Will it affect Alliance story?

Was Alliance for over a decade. Then Horde got vulpera. Well I’m a fox at heart. That said, the horde does have some really interesting questlines.

I’ve been enjoying my time on Horde side though, also while it took some getting used to, I can appreciate the style of the Horde buildings between the various races.


Two of those three are correct.


  1. I like orcs. Orcs are done in warcraft so much better than any other fictional universe. Also, I love tauren and trolls. Same story for trolls as with orcs.
  2. Red is my favorite color and spikes = good.


Most their player base isn’t blood elves


Most their player base is Blood Elves

I’ll stick with Alliance.


Prefer Alliance mainly because of the Wrynns.

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Still a pity we’re all crammed in Durotar as far as Blizz is concerned.