Which do you prefer? Horde or Alliance?

Imo alliance has better cities I have spent more time in horde cities than alliance cites but I know my way around the alliance ones a lot better cause they have a better layout. I also feel the alliance has a stronger identity. Whereas the hordes is all over the place from being evil to honorable to evil to whatever they are now. But the horde has a lot more personality especially the goblins. As to what I prefer it really depends on the day tbh.


Better racial traits and allied races.

I agree ally has MUCH BETTER cities. However when you mainly do PvP like me and REALLY enjoy BGs? Being Alliance just isnt smart. When I faction changed to Horde my win ratio went from 40-45% to 65-75%.

Also I like Horde races better

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Yeah, I’m not into factionalism.


No city I have ever been in (Horde or Alliance) town or city since 2004, hasn’t any Bathrooms… I saw a few out houses along this journey but Where are the Bathrooms???


Its not about that what its about what faction you main and why. AKA Horde because you prefer the races or your friends are Horde ect ect. Read my post not just my title

Ally, can’t bring myself to care about horde quests. I played some horde in Vanilla, the mongrel horde, but since belves were added… it’s not the same horde anymore. That horde is gone.

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I’ve met some in here on both sides that are ok people but to be honest in game I have met more friendlier people on the horde side.

Most of my time on Alliance is either solo or with my horde guildies on alliance toon with some pugging like dungeons and lfr.

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I like both
I play both
The first half I mostly played horde, I’m mostly play alliance now
Both have uniquely engaging stories and characters


(Commentary): Unit Exacitor prefers the Alliance. I do like some of the Horde races. Tauren are pretty neat, and Zandalari are amazing, and I like the Vulpera as well. Nightborne are great for lore but they really need an overhaul. Blood Elves are just the Alliance gateway race to being Horde. That said, I just find I cannot play Horde for some reason. I get very tired very quickly and lose my drive to play the game at all. I can’t go to Orgrimmar without feeling a strong sense of distaste. I also just cannot find any mounts or transmog I like on my Horde characters that isn’t just Alliance themed stuff. Thank goodness some of my favorite races are Alliance.


Since 2005 I’ve always been a Horde and Alliance player and not picking just one. Lately though I transferred all of my mains to Alliance honestly the Horde playerbase and story are just becoming stale AF.


I love you and Peppermint. Both of you pop up in my threads. :two_hearts: you both

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It’s reasonable sorts like you that only make me wish more that they would just do away with the arbitrary factions already and let the entire community be able to group up for stuff.

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I play both, though I prefer Horde.

On the Alliance side, I love Night Elves and consider their race and civilization to be one of the most interesting in the game. I can’t understand why some Alliance want Quel’dorei High Elves when they already have something so completely superior.

I created my first Horde character, an Orc, before Burning Crusade. I loved, and continue to love The Horde’s tribal, shamanistic culture.

I largely ignore Blizzard’s writing, which is so far beneath contempt I wouldn’t notice if I stepped in it. At least until the smell hit me.

For my Night Elves, there will always be Teldrassil, now and forever.

My Orc hunter will always, remain at heart, that 10th lvl trying to charm his first pet. A black Worg, that I managed to charm just barely before he ate my liver. He’s named Jarl, and I keep him by my side to this day.

For the Horde!.. and The Alliance!


Alliance had a treaty to stay out of the Barrens and Durotar. Varian invaded both. They burned Taurajo (although it was under a rogue group of soldiers) and had plans to burn Sen’jin. Garrosh didn’t start the war, the Alliance did by violating a treaty and attacking Horde territory. I didn’t like the bombing of Theramore. But it didn’t come out of absolutely nowhere.

That’s why the Horde began invading Ashenvale aswell.

oh you gotta see classic wow orgrimmar. its so much more atmospheric.

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Both, but horde races has better pixelated booties except the blood elves.

Alliance was cool, but stuff happened within guilds like them trying to be method tryhards pretending to be casual. I switched to horde and got better results and appealing pixelated booties.

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Basically all my toons are trolls if they can be. Always have. Always will. Bc of exactly like you said. Theyre done so much better than any other game. Plus they have the best culture in the game i think

well for one, nelf females have enormous hands. they have a fantastic bow animation and occassional nice casting animation, but overall belf females have better everything else.

i never viewed myself as a supporter of matriarchy (or patriarchy). i dont think women are physically superior to men, so i dont get the whole warrior women theme nelf females have. their society, in lore, has completely brow beaten their men into submission. not my cup of tea.

I try to convince myself there’s hope on the Alliance.
But they I see everyone playing Human or Nelf and have to give up and admit that there’s far more flavor in the Horde.