Which class is the most boring for you?

Druids, priests and shamans are mostly boring to me, even at high level. I leveled all classes for the Legion mounts, but those three were a struggle.
I also find warlocks and mages kind of boring at low levels but love them at high levels.
Really enjoy all other classes, level 1-50.

Oh man, you really need to try it. They were overhauled big time. They’re awesome fun now. Simple, but effective. Void form is no longer the centre of your gameplay.

For me, most boring is rogues.

Druid, DK, and Shaman are my three favorite classes and they seem pretty well represented in this thread so far, I know its an obvious thing but its always a little surprising how differently we experience more or less the same gameplay.

For me, the most boring class overall is Mage, though Fire Mage is pretty fun Frost and Arcane just do not click with me whatsoever. If we were just ranking Specs I would say Frost Mage is probably the worst

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warlock or priest. I can’t get them anywhere near max.

Warlocks are so boringggggggggggggggg
So are Paladins
and so are Shamans

Warlock put me to sleep

Rogue’s true strength lies in group PvP. Haha.

Honestly I hate doing any kind of difficult PvE with my assassination rogue. Granted I probably don’t have that toon properly set up but I’m just not loving it.


/10 char

Frost mage. It used to be fun, not the current version though.

Most fun: Warrior, Mage, Hunter, DH, DK
Kinda fun: Paladin, Druid, Rogue, Monk
Least fun: Shaman, Warlock, Priest

I’ve never been able to get a Shaman to max level. The last max level Warlock I had was in TBC and I enjoyed it but never since (though their mog is fantastic) and Priests… I’ve made so many but I can never enjoy Shadow for some reason. I just hate the way Shadowform looks.

druid probably. Dps specs are basic rip offs of real dps specs

I also dislike rogues :angry:

Not the rogue players, because most of them are cute, but I don’t like playing one myself.

I can’t level a mage past level mid 20s, same goes for shadow priests. I just can’t.

Feral druid was a torture too, but I needed the tuaren heritage armor so I endured.

Mage, visually its just so bleh, and lorewise Arcane is just so boring compared to shadow, fel, nature or even elemental magic.

Pretty much anything with a cast bar with the exception of MM hunter.

Don’t know if boring would be the word for me…

In my time with WoW I’ve never maxed out


The rest I’ve played to max, some several times over. For Shadowlands, as of right now, I think this hunter will be the only max I have. That may change. As of right now, though, I’ve lost interest in leveling several different characters and professions.

They are my favorite class! I have two mains hunetr and Bm hunter!!

Shadow Priest, Warlock and Mage.

Mage, I find them boring… can’t level one pass half the way to max level.-

My least played class is probably demon hunter so thats it for me

Priest 100%. It is the only class in the game that I can not get into whatsoever.