Which class is the most boring for you?

For me it’s rogue, i don’t know why but many people enjoy playing rogue in their entire wow life, but for me if i play a rogue for a week , i kind of get boring to it. It’s not that i don’t know how to play rogue. I understand well how to play a rogue in PVE or pvp but i just can’t enjoy it, lol . Even sub rogue becomes a S tier class and i’m dominating in PVP instances but i can’t enjoy it haha.


For me it is Shadow Priest, mind you I haven’t tried since BFA so it may have changed? Not sure…

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Paladin. Something about it just super boring


i wouldn’t go and say boring but, for the past 3 expansions, i can’t stand playing monk or paladin.


Shaman. Always shaman. Always the last class I level, last class I gear, last class I finished the mage tower challenges. Always the last class.

Don’t know why I hate it so much. I just do.

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I don’t know, maybe it’s not boring the word I am looking for but for me it’s DH overall and BM Hunter, I just don’t enjoy those classes/specs, it’s like, the fantasy nor the gameplay feels good to me.

Paladins. Always thought they were slow gameplay.

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Frost mage, mostly when you are fishing for procs casting that loooooong frostbolt 2, 3, or FOUR TIMES.

Arcane Mage can be boring too, but at least the cast time gets quicker.

Sadly, it has historically been shaman for me. But shaman is the only class I haven’t played at or near max level, so I want to give it another shot. I’m trying Elemental this time because Enhancement just bores me death.

Rogue, I started as one but quickly realized it was not my style at all.

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If Druids didn’t have amazing shapeshifter appearances, I would write them off as a loss entirely, unfortunately.

Snorlock :sleeping:

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Oh, you should try, it is soooooooooo satisfying to apply dots in 5 or more mobs and see 100k apparitions flying from your body

Death knights

Damage feels lack lustre even though the damage it’s self is fine but the issue is I’m not doing the damage, my army of undead hotties are doing all my damage

bm hunter lol.

your pet does all the dps while you just sit there and look stupid.


Druid and Hunter.
I cannot get into the “Whoo, animal” gameplay fantasy. It’s just so ugh that it kills the class.

DH is fine except when you’re in combat


I never get very far when attempting to level a rogue or warrior. I would say hunters are up there as well, but I recently tried a hunter and like it better than I did in the vanilla/BC era.

On one hand, I sorta feel like you can’t call a class “boring” unless/until you can play it flawlessly.

On the other hand, having leveled all the classes up to max level (more than once in some instances), I definitely enjoy hunters the least.

Shadow priest I find boring as hell.

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