Which class is the most boring for you?

Shaman is an absolute borefest to me, plus it feels weird to play on an Alliance character.

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For me, it depends on what changes were made at the start that I have a hard time wrapping my head around.

In BfA, I had (and still do) issues with the Boomkin rotation, so I went feral/bear tank.

I loved Destro lock, but couldn’t make it work so I went Demo "just to get her to 120. Didn’t touch her since.

I will always love my elemental shaman, but that seems to be the class Blizz loves to hate because they are CONSTANTLY screwing it over. They even admitted at the start of BfA that Elemental Shaman and Marksman Hunters were beyond broken and needed to be fixed. They took care of hunters fast…and just left Shaman alone.

As a package…for me it’s probably Paladin. Only class in the game where I like only 1 of their specs.


I’m just so bad at it. I can play almost any class slightly above average then it comes to monk and I’m dirt tier