Where's Wrathion?

Thanks for playing along my parody

Wait… you’re serious, oh that’s sad.

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I don’t know about Wrathion, and imo they might bring Xal’atath back if they do the edgelord “Light bad” expansion or patch.

There was a hint about Azshara, though; the last thing she said was she’s sick of going through intermediaries and wants the true throne of power. I think Azshara’s going to be gunning for godhood.

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Sipping pina coladas with Khadgar; both understanding why Medivh left when they saw the shattered sky, whilst discussing philosophy. In short, they’re taking a well-deserved break. :yum:

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He’s in the Chamber of Heart wondering where the hell everyone went and why there are piles of cloaks littered all over the forge


Him finding two women attractive is hardly established lore. Bi men can find women attractive.

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Your really need to stop coming up with excuses. This ship just doesn’t work.

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He got benched. He’s like santa, only comes out when he has legendary gifts for us and since we are making our own with the help of that dude in Torghast he’s not needed.

Also hes a dragon, only takes an interest in the lower races when it suits him.

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Sounds to me like you’re the one coming up with excuses as to why it doesn’t work.

Let’s assume Anduin is not gay. That does not mean Wrathion can’t be. Would be interesting to say the least if suddenly Wrathrion’s advanced got rebuffed.


This is all their story team is capable of doing TBH.
Play more games of same or other genres and one day you won’t even care about WoW’s neglectable story just like me.

It’s a shame because I love the characters.

Sylvi locked Warthi in a closet (no pun intended) because she doesn’t want competition for Andy’s affection.

You have to keep up with this soap opera!


You can have your own headcanon where those two are together but it will never happen in real (game) life.

No, no it would not tbh.

That is just your opinion. Again, more romance(or attempted romance) failing in and of itself would be pretty unique in WoW. Aside from Jaina(who hasnt had the best luck with men) when the devs ship people they end up together.

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Warcraft/WoW isn’t exactly the right place to find romance stories nor should they attempt to shove them in. There are other video games with romances that should suit you.


Warcraft is a game that can have romance and literally is filled with romance.(tragic and otherwise)

Whether it be how Genn/Mia interacts to the 1000 year romance between Alleria/Turalyon or Jaina and her issues with Arthas/Kalec.

WoW does center on conflict but to say it cant have romance stories is bull. I could name half a dozen characters who’s romance stories accentuated their own individual stories.


Just because they exist doesn’t mean they should.

Because? Again purely from a conceptual point of view a friendship evolving into romance is and does happen in WoW and there is no particular reason this one cannot do so.(although part me does doubt it will happen if only because Blizzard would probably like a softer male character that is not gay)

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Tyrande runnin’ around with Night Warrior madness. You know Malf is in hiding for the rest of the expansion.

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No worries, Anduin is a survivor… he dont need no Wrathion in his life anymore


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