Where's Wrathion?

He and Khadgar are having martinis on vacation at Fukoffistan.

They got a discount since Jaina gave them a referral, since she was there during Legion.


God dammit, I just got this unstuck out of my head and now it’s back


You don’t know that. People were saying the same about Shaw/Flynn and now they’re a thing.

lol why not? Just because you don’t like romance doesn’t mean other people who play the game don’t either. It can’t be 100% war and fighting bad guys.

What is your issue with romance exactly?

Let’s not forget Illidan who did everything to prove himself to Tyrande.

What’s with the fascination of where or who a fictional character sticks it in?

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No, they’re just cute together.

A greater writing team would bring characters back when appropriate and logical instead of giving a half-hearted explanation about why the were “busy” during whatever the most recent threat to existence, and not introduce plot elements that will be problematic later. coughvindicaarcough

Meh. I dont need every character to be addressed. Sometimes having their own thing they are busy with is fine. Wrathion included. He has no meaningful place in the shadowlands.

Forced romance for the sake of inclusion is also unnecessary.

So the self-appointed pragmatist who would do absolutely anything, including genocide, to protect the overall survival of Azeroth has no interest in the entire mechanism for death being broken, with many key players in this conflict being from Azeroth and directly threatening existence itself?

I mean, odd one to sit out, flying around, looking for those Dragon Isles…

Do we need to get every character’s take on the situation? Of course not! But some do make sense. There’s a certain Guardian of Tirisfal that should be involved as well.

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They will probably pop open another nonsensical portal to another dimension for another disjointed silly plot. How about we get back to Azeroth!

Why are people so obssessed with Wrathion being Anduin’s boyfriend when there has been no such hint from Blizzard in the slightest?

If this hypothetically happened it would be as “forced” as Thalyssra/Lother’mar. Which is to say not really. It is just two character who do have the chance to be intimate being so.


Because the story and tension between them, if written between a male and female, would universally result in a romantic pairing, if not one that is a little hot and cold. Thus, people would like to see representation of their own type of relationship in-game where it would logically fit.

I don’t give a single toot, but I completely understand where the community is coming from on this one. Heterosexual, monogamous relationships are the default, other pairings are relegated to hints and implications and, if you’re lucky, a peripheral character being confirmed as being something “non-traditional.” But those relationships never take center stage, and certainly not with the leading cast of characters.


No hints at all:

Wrathion : Kalecgos. I am told you entered into a relationship with a human.
Kalecgos : I… well, it is… complicated.
Wrathion : Humans often can be. Like all mortals, they are fickle beings, yet they hold great promise.
Kalecgos : From what I have been told, certain mortals might say the same thing about you.
Wrathion : Hmph. Complicated indeed…


So basically Friendship doesn’t exist. It’s always gotta be about romance.

I’m not saying all pairing aren’t forced, but I think sometimes, two male friends or two female friends, can be… just that. I’ve not seen any ‘romantic’ changes to lead me to believe those two would even become a pair. Even so that Flynn and shaw thing but I’ll have to let that pass since it’s happened.

Some people really reach for there to have something happen.

why was this flagged?

At Copacabana


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