Where's Wrathion?

Wrathion and Anduin seems to be kind of like Batman and Superman.

If it’s a crossover, then you know the second one of them is in trouble the other will show up with a Deus Ex Machina at the last second, no matter how rediculous it is.

If it’s not a crossover, then their on their own, but might make an occasional reference that the other exists, for continuity and fanbase appeal.

Would be really cool if Deathwing shows (as an uncorrupted Neltherion) up in the afterlife and Wrathion and he can have a heart to heart. While Deathwing is kind of already used up as a Villain IMO he did leave behind a bunch of interesting Orphans in the Netherwing flight, Black flight etc. I think there are even some Blacks like Baron Sablemane still flying around somewhere (I think he’s still alive? Did Wrathion Purge them from Outland?)

That’s… wow okay. That’s kinda dumb, lol.

That’d be cool. Also, I think Sabellian is the only black dragon left besides Wrathion and Ebyssian, because I don’t think Wrathion knows about him.

There’s like no quality smut of them at all imo. Which means… I must take it upon myself to make it.


“…Draenei become as fanatical as the Legion”?

Are we pretending the Iron Horde never happened? That alt-Grom isn’t guilty of war crimes, including the one that killed Yrel’s sister? All without the excuse of demonic corruption this time.

Are we pretending that the “Lightbound” Draenei don’t have those good reasons to distrust the Mag’har?

And are the Draenei and Naaru going on a Burning Crusade to destroy the universe?

I think that Wrathion is avoiding the SL because he’s afraid he might meet Deathwing’s soul or the souls of all those black dragons he had us kill. That or he’s still trying to figure out if Azshara was tricking him in Nya’lotha.

Hey, I’m not here defending the Iron Horde. Grom got off pretty damn light all things considered. With that said, are you going to pretend that there haven’t been hints over the years that the naaru might actually be as bad as the Burning Legion. Are you going to pretend that Xe’ra didn’t try to forcibly convert Illidan?

What about the Sermon of the High Exarch? Have you read that?

Brothers and sisters,

Decades have passed since the last vestiges of the Legion were driven from Draenor. We could not have accomplished this noble undertaking without the help of the orc clans, united as the Mag’har.

Our fondest wish is for all the people of Draenor to remain unified in purpose. Sadly, this dream is not shared by all of those who once stood beside us.

Many noble orcs have embraced the Light. Exarch Hellscream has been an example for his people to follow. Yet sadly, his own father resists the true path.

I believe with all my heart that the Mag’har are destined to join us as servants of the Light. But first, they must be taught to trust the naaru as we do.

The Light Mother has blessed me with visions. I know that one day the Army of the Light will march across the Great Dark Beyond and bring order to countless worlds.

That bold future begins here. With us. We must make Draenor whole again.

I call upon you all to ensure that the future promised by the Light Mother is fulfilled. Purge the infection that prevents Draenor’s heart from being whole.

The Light will forge a new future for the orcs… but first, we must save the Mag’har from themselves.

No more division. No more defiance. In the Light, we shall be one.

Pay special attention to the part in bold text. Does that not sound like the Burning Legion to you?

Warcraft is a setting where various things that could be considered “dark forces” either aren’t evil, or are turning their attention towards things that are far worse. Are you familiar with TV Tropes? Perhaps you’ve heard of this one:


Now, if it’s possible for things that could usually be considered dark/evil to actually be the good guys, then it stands to reason that it’s possible for something one would consider to be good to be the very thing we need to protect ourselves against, right?


I actually like the idea of the naaru being just as fanatical as the Legion and hope that is where they are going with the next expansion. I just wish they didn’t have to use Yrel to do it :-/

I think Xe’ra Lightforging one elf by force is a FAR cry from demons sadistically genociding dozens of planets while trying to destory the universe.

Xe’ra’s Lightforging of Illidan kind of reminded me of intervention for an addict. In light (pun not intended) of that, Naaru being as bad as the Burning Legion sounds nonsensical to me. I do agree that having conflicting factions of Light followers could be grounds for an interesting story, like exploring the “To be Lawful or Good” trope.

I’ve read Sermon of the High Exarch, and it leaves out a lot of things. 30 years pass between the end of WoD and that Mag’har scenario, a lot can happen. I think that Blizz is trying to sweep the Iron Horde under the rug to push this dogmatism story arc. In that final showdown between Grom and Yrel I was rooting for Yrel.

O.O Wow…

Illidan wasn’t a addict that needed saving… and the Naaru was forcing him, against his will, to become a weapon against the Legion.

Why? People do horrible things with the best of intentions all the time. Forcing someone to be something they don’t want to be… this is not a debate you want to have.

Your truly doing gods work.


Illidan’s definitely an addict. And how was Xe’ra forcing Illidan to be a weapon against the Legion when he’d already made himself one? She was just swapping the powers he used (though in a way similar to what Illidan did to Akama - look up "Shade of Akama).

I don’t think the matter is as simple as “forcing someone to be something they don’t want to be”; plus we do that with certain criminals irl. This is a debate I’m willing to have, but this forum is not the place for it, let’s take it elsewhere lest we derail the thread.

You know he could just be bi right?

Friends to lover are a trope for a reason. Many characters(and real life people) do start as friends/ends up lover later on.


Ooh interesting, this was all from a horde quest? I never leveled a character through WoD.

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meme? What because its not a traditional relationship it must just be a meme? You have 2 characters who have clearly got some romantic tension happening, the community would like to see it flourish so you reduce it to just being a meme?


It goes against established lore and the words of the writers. You can assume whatever you want but this “romantic” relationship is 100% a meme.

what lore specifically?

I am curious to see what they do with Wrathion, Xal’atath, and Queen Azshara in the future. All three of those characters just seemingly exited stage left.

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That Anduin is into women, non-human to be exact.

Anduin stares at a Draenei for 0.00005 seconds


Anduin has half a book building an emotional connection with romantic undertone with Wrathion where the latter promises to carry him over the entire world

Shippers are crazy lmao dudes can’t be bros anymore


You’re seeing something that isn’t there.

I agree with this.