Where's Wrathion?

Doubt all you want. I have all of them on Kobo.

Neither does describing girls as “pretty”.




How to start a war against some people in GD who can’t take this meme as a joke

Some people are getting way to triggered at people having fun with anduins sexuality.

In any case everyone knows that Sylvy will fall in love with anduin and have his baby that will then unite the factions so we get crossplay.

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If true, it would make Tyrande yelling at Lor’themar for suggesting the same thing really funny in hindsight.

At the risk of sounding like a phobe, this is the problem with all these companies, writers, and stories pandering and tossing in LGBT pairings left and right.

Look, I myself have no problem with it. I’m an old school Buffy fan that enjoyed what they did with Willow and Tara. I was a RWBY fan that was totally in support of Yang/Blake until Rooster Teeth played follow the leader with Funimation and dropped Vic Mignogna over unproven allegations (case is still in appeals, thanks boomer judge :+1:), proceeded to crap all over the fans that initially got them where they are, and also became super woke on top of it ($20 says the current Rooster Teeth would have never made Red vs Blue like it was in the early seasons if they started that as a new show today). With that being said, it’s gotten to a point where literally EVERY new TV show in the last couple of years is shoehorning such couples and characters in, and the key issue is it’s never enough.

And god forbid you kill off such a character, or even a character that is merely suspected of being LGBT.

I get it. Gay people exist. I’m cool with that, and if the writers want to do it, then that’s their business. My issue comes when it just feels like it’s being done so they can say “LOOK! We’re inclusive!” Meanwhile, the more rabid LGBT folks in real life start to demand that established characters are suddenly altered so that they too are LGBT because “we don’t have enough inclusion!”

Honestly, it’s getting ridiculous.


Wrathion is hanging out with Khadgar and Yrel.


Not going to lie, I had a good laugh over that one.
As far as those characters are concerned, I’m waiting for Yrel to become an issue. I seriously hope they have a damn good reason past “mind control” for her becoming the way she is in the Mag’har recruitment scenario since she was one of the few things I likely about WoD as a player with Alliance roots.

I’m sure Blizz will be dragon-ing him out… serious: isn’t he on a 2 xpac rotation in terms of appearances?

“It doesn’t bother me, I swear! I just think 3 gay characters out of 100 straight ones is a bit much? Seriously I’m okay with it!! but maybe it should be zero? Super okay with the gays though!”


Hell no!

I’m saying this as someone that currently mains Horde despite bleeding blue, but likes both factions for various reasons: I’ll strike down Anduin myself if Blizzard is actually dumb enough to try and somehow shoehorn in Anduin/Sylvanas if they do anything less than kill her off for the various shenanigans she has pulled over the years.

As for Sylvanas, after burning Teldrasil and killing Saurfang, there is no redemption for her. I don’t even want to see her in The Maw when Shadowlands is all over: I want to see her soul completely shattered and obliterated. I want there to be absolutely zero doubts in regards to her being totally gone and unable to come back.


Might seem like it, but he’s been in EVERY expansion since he was introduced in Cataclysm, even if his role was minor. The expansions he has played a major role in are Cataclysm, Mists, and Battle, but both Warlords and Legion are a result of events he put into motion at the tail end of Mists and featured brief appearances during certain quest chains.

As the legendary quest line has been removed, I technically don’t believe he appears in WoD now, but during the chain, there was a point where he briefly appeared in whelp form watching you at Khadgar’s Tower.

While he was not directly involved with the events of Legion, Legion itself is the result of the chain reaction of events he started all the way back in Mists. His appearance in that expansion was during the Deaths of Chromie questline.

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I mean, people could have said the same thing about Willow at the time since she was “obviously straight” because she dated Oz for a while, but as far as I know, no one was mad about it and no one complained that Joss Whedon was pandering or that he altered an established character. Why would it be any different for Anduin? He can be like Willow and realise he’s gay or bi or whatever.

Honestly, I find it looks more like pandering when they throw in random gay characters like the two druids in Ardenweald because it looks like something they made up at the last second. It would make more sense for a main character to be gay. The only KIND OF main character confirmed gay is Shaw, but he has yet to even name Flynn by name in game. People who didn’t read the last book have no idea what he means when he says “that’ll teach me to try and be happy” or whatever.

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Wait, wait, what did I miss? I only play Alliance :open_mouth:

The plot twist is that he’s actually disguised as the Jailer.

He and Anduin are into that.

That would imply it’s a meme. When it isn’t.

They very clearly were flirting during the Legendary Cloak questline in Mists.

If Wrathion was female, everyone would be screaming it. But because he’s male, they deny it.


What are you even talking about?


You hit the nail on the head.

Like, let’s be real. Say Wrathion is female and Taelia is male. Suddenly Anduin/Taelia is the meme and people are only shipping them because “lol he’s Bolvar’s son”. And female Wrathion being a dragon would suddenly not matter :upside_down_face:


Quoting for emphasis. Spot on. People who are like this, and they’re many, sound like little clowns who pissed the bed. :clown_face:

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Canonically, once WoD ended, the two timelines split apart from each other again. The Mag’har recruitment sends your Horde character back to Alternate Draenor, but due to the weakened power of the shard that created the original link, you go to an Alternate Draenor that is lined up with Azeroth instead of in the past (it takes place in 33 ADP instead of -2 BDP)

Lo and behold, Draenor is once again a dying world. The orcs and draenei initially lived in peace, but with the Legion gone, more naaru show up on the planet and the draenei become just as fanatical as the Legion and want to spread the infulence of The Light all across the galaxy.

In the years that follow, the draenei become Lightforged, Yrel becomes High Exarch and is the leader of the Lightbound, a group of orcs and ogres either willingly join or are forcibly converted (much like what almost happened to Illidan in Legion). One of the orcs that willingly joined is Alternate Grom’s son (presumed by many to be an Alternate Garrosh since we never see him). Alternate Durotan is one of the orcs killed in this war, and what’s left of the Mag’har are led by Grom. The scenario ends with what appears to be a losing battle against Yrel and her forces before your Horde character and Eitrigg escape with the Mag’har as Grom and Alternate Lantresor hold off the Lightbound.

Yeah, Alliance players were rightfully pissed about this one.

As things currently stand, we do not know the status of Grom and Lantresor, but they are presumed to be dead. As the speculation is that this group of Lightforged from the alternate timeline might be a future threat, I’m predicting that Grom and Lantresor are most likely dead. I’m also predicting that Alternate Draka might have been forcibly converted as the scenario mentions she is alive, but we don’t see her, and following the events her group would have likely been the last resistance on Draenor.
