Where's Wrathion?

Why haven’t they finished fixing Menithal harbor yet?

Lockdown… too soon?

Sure there is, his lack of him saying he’s into guys and always showing attraction to girls. If you want to pretend everyone’s bi then no ones’ stopping you but your retorts are tad amount to sticking your head in the sand.

Vegas with some real men.

Yes that they show the history of them getting to it, but people romanticizing underaged kids in their weird fandom circles is gross. You just have no boundaries.

I’ve already said I know in my heart of hearts that Wranduin probably won’t happen. XD But that doesn’t mean I can’t point out faulty logic.

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WHY is Wrathion?


It shouldn’t happen more-so because it is boring. There’s clearly some kind of link between Anduin and Wrathion and dumbing it down to “Anduin wants to get an underage dragon into his bed” would be so low-effort.

They’ve used this analogy of White King Black King between the two characters, with Wrathion potentially pulling Anduin down a darker path, while Anduin’s influence is helping keep Wrathion more on the straight and narrow. I’d love them to explore more of that, especially post Anduin being mind-slaved by the Jailer, rather than simplifying it to some kind of lust-based nonsense. The actual outlooks of the characters and their circumstances are far more interesting than trying to force some 2021 sexual orientation representation into the game. Adding a character like Pelagos is completely fine because that is its own character, it isn’t killing a potentially interesting story-line for pandering.

I don’t see any fault in it, Christie Golden has more or less said something to the means of him being Straight. He’s not shown anything but people reach for it. Keep that in your fandom circles, when there’s ‘‘logic’’ to your statement then show and I’ll agree, 'till then one is kinda outweighing the other.

My logic is Christie Golden doesn’t determine where the character will end up. The writers are told what they need to for the moment and the ones ultimately in charge of WoW’s overall story can still make changes because nothing currently flat out shows Anduin is not interested in men as well.

Plus other aspects of discovering your sexuality (because a lot of people don’t understand themselves until later in life) but that’s a level of nuance and understand I don’t expect.

Again, I don’t actually expect them to end up together but why not allow people to pretend and hope? Especially since the content I indulge in is about the relationship itself and not the 18+ NSFW stuff (I’m ace so that part doesn’t interest me)

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I honestly just think they show a very brotherly connection. I could be wrong, nothing more, nothing less.

I really agree with this and well written.

I… never said that? Not a Kingdom Hearts fan. I meant in general, there’s nothing wrong or gross about childhood friends eventually dating, as ADULTS.

I agree that they’re both gross if the characters are minors or look like minors. (For example, Ban and that fairy girl in Seven Deadly Sins)

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No one’s not allowing you to pretend and hope. I just don’t think people in that circle of fandom should use their pretend and hope to justify a plot point or character’s sexuality based on said pretend.

And Christie Golden may not determine where they will end up but now we are venturing into unknowns. She does however very well now at least have a hand in plot points regarding story, character, etc… writers like that one who did Shadow’s Rising had less say and was a ‘contracted writer’ per se.

It’s nice to be understood.

It’s a small thing, but it made me feel happy.


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So a couple lines about finding a dwarf girl and a female draenei pretty is “always showing attraction to girls”?

Compared to all his interactions with Wrathion in game and War Crimes?


No one here is doing that.

Because Anduin and Taelia getting together would be so much more interesting, right? Seems hypocritical that people against Wranduin because it “makes no sense” have no problem with Anduin/Taelia even though they have literally no interactions and no chemistry.

Not sure what you’re trying to say here? Also it’s been established that Wrathion is equivalent to Anduin’s age in human years so he’s not underage. He’s clearly an adult dragon now in case you missed Ny’alotha.

What does lust have to do with anything? None of the other relationships in the game have been represented that way. Why would this one be any different? Just let them love each other.

“It’s fine because he’s a minor character and I can pretend he doesn’t exist.”

EDIT: lol I was wondering when the OP would get flagged :upside_down_face:

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What a dumb comment. My main character is playing an off-meta Covenant, Kyrian, rather than Night Fae, as a Druid because I like the Kyrian stuff. I get the sense that you want to believe lies to make yourself feel morally superior.

The simple truth is that Anduin and Wrathion getting together isn’t good story-telling at this point in time. Anduin is, at this current moment, getting mind-slaved by the Jailer and will likely be traumatized by the experience (if the writers have any sort of sense about consequences)… it doesn’t make any sense for him to get into that sort of spicy “will they won’t they” tension with Wrathion right after severe trauma.

A lot needs to happen after Shadowlands for such a story-line to make any amount of sense.

What interactions, he’s shown more attraction to females then males. What you are referring too are vein attempts at trying to make your fantasies come to fruition. Sorry bubs but you are reaching.

I didn’t say anyone here, but some are making it that way but thankfully averted that direction.

While off to grab taco bell I was thinking of the RikuSora argument brought up about sexualizing childhood friends. Is that explicitly only for that pairing? Because what about Kairi and Sora. Does that change because they are an opposite gender couple (the easy to use word is filtered for some reason)?

Also besides the, what seems to me, joking OP. No one actually expects Anduin and Wrathion to get together now. XD Even those that think it will be canon

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