Where's Wrathion?

Ion has said Anduin will be changed forever after this so here’s hoping they show that ‘development’ in his character.

As for the rest, I think some here want Warcraft to be some soap opera lol.

Maybe not you personally, but it’s not far off the mark based on some people’s responses in here. They don’t want main characters to come out as gay but “hey I’m totally okay with minor characters in the background being gay though, I’m not a bigot I swear”.

No one said they had to get together right this second.

Again, you’re the one calling it spicy. I just want the feels, man.


Wait… you mean people can be in a romantic relationship without it just boiling down to wanting to bang? Scandalous! That romance is about love and support and helping each other through hard times? clutches pearls

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But Wrathion doesn’t have that kind of relationship, platonic or otherwise, with Anduin. Wrathion is not a “rock to lean on” or a shoulder to cry on for Anduin. Their relationship is one of playful antagonism which doesn’t work for the type of situation Anduin will find himself in post-Shadowlands.

And wouldn’t watching him grow and learn to be a rock for Anduin, to put aside his arrogance be a good story? I’d read it.

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I disagree. Wrathion is all talk. Remember him breaking down when facing the image of his father during one of the trials in Pandaria, after gloating about how easy it would be? Also this:


He’s clearly upset and really doesn’t want to see Anduin gone mad because he cares about him. His tone of voice makes it even more obvious. He acts all tough and arrogant but he’s soft on the inside.


He is a great character and I hope we see him again.

Also pretty sure he’s on his way to Northrend to rescue Anduin right now so very much looking forward to the announcement of Patch 9.2: Visions of Torghast when he makes us all stylish hats or something to hide from the Jailer’s gaze in the Maw.


lmao stylish hats :joy:
I mean, I could see it. Or a cloak with a hood that covers your eyes, because we all know how much he loves cloaks.


The man is trying to make cloaks come back into fashion and I am here for it.


You joke, but having Wrathion assist some way in establishing a “new normal” for him would be a pretty organic way to get Wrathion involved again and ultimately brings us to the Dragon Isles for the next expansion. :wink:


Him and Khadgar are protecting Azeroth while we’re off galavanting through the Shadow Lands. Seriously someone has to hold down the fort.

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That’s fair, but I wish they let us know what’s up instead of them just… not being there, lol.

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Maybe Wrathion will be the pushy guide character of whatever comes after Shadowlands, like how WoD had Khadgar and BfA had Magni.

I mean it would make sense for him to be if we go to the Dragon Isles.