Where's Wrathion?

Oh exactly. I tend to enjoy LGBT+ ships more than others but wanna know my least favorite character archetype in video games and anime? Freaking lolis and shota (young cute girls and boys for those who don’t know). I cannot stand those characters and want them out of my media because of how… gross people get about them.

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I keep thinking “Wait how is that a Play Of the Game?”


Hopefully we will never see him again hahaha

Next expansion: World of WarCraft: The Dragon Isles feat. Wrathion.


This is again veering into off-topic territory, but I unironically really really want that expansion. Way more than “Cosmic Disco Space War”.

And speaking of “will-they won’t-they”, Blizzard hasn’t been very firm on whether the Blacktalon (Wrathion’s shadowy spy agency) is on our side or not. They’ve been gathering powerful artifacts to fight the Legion and the Void. I hope they eventually do something with that plot line soon-ish.

Oh, it’s my perfect expansion as well! But I assume they’ll gum it up with Light/Void stuff, as well.

My left field guess is that we’ll get the Twilight’s Hammer acting up again because the Void is up to something, we head to the Twilight Highlands to investigate, we encounter Wrathion in the course of that investigation and learn that the same MacGuffin he’s been searching for is the one that the cultists are after.

We find the Dragon Isles as floating islands in the sky, giving us a reason for why they were difficult to find (and perhaps setting up a minor world revamp if we position them above existing zones). Then we need to wrest the MacGuffin away from the Void up there.

The forced plot twist in the first patch? The Void faction was trying to gain control over it so the Light wouldn’t be able to use it to claim victory in their crusade. Alternate Yrel enters our world.

That being said, the above guess takes into account hints in the narrative that have been left for us. The actual writers tend to disregard any foreshadowing so they can “subvert expectations,” so I’ll be 100% wrong just so they can say I’m wrong and invalidate the strength of their own writing.


Know what wow could use? Maybe a mini expansion. Like it cost half the price, only supposed to last around maybe one year, and is lighthearted and focused on current world events and catching up with main characters, build up their friendships and relationships with low stakes. Don’t have to put in a lot of effort and can use the time to work on the next major expansion. Basically a small breather expansion.

100%. But that sort of thing doesn’t work with WoW’s model. They hit the reset button on our levels, abilities, gear, and power structure every single expansion. They can’t pull an ESO which can sustain this content because progression there is largely horizontal.

But I do also wish that WoW wasn’t the kind of game that hit that reset button with glee. I wish expansions were expansions and not complete reinventions. Actually, reinventions would be preferable to getting a continuation of the same content, but just getting that reset button pressed regardless.


This sounds really cool.

If this is how we get a Lightforged Dragon raid boss… I’m game.




I’m into that.

But yeah, makes sense that the Dragon Isles would require flight to access. Also, a Lightforged Dragon raid boss? Again, 100% into that.

Because Anduin is straight so if he encountered a straight attractive female, it would make sense. There is no hypocrisy here and trying to claim that it is? That’s just as forced as these attempts to change Anduin’s character to suit a bias.

We’re going into some pretty loaded territory here, because the implication of your statement is that “straight” is the default. And that’s probably a discussion we shouldn’t be diving into on the forums.


He’s not a new character.

We know Anduin canonically likes girls thanks to a Christie Golden tweet. But there has been no canon mentioning he likes ONLY girls. Bisexuality is a thing.

And again, I am coming from the fanon perspective. I tend to assume bi until proven otherwise to keep shipping options open. If Anduin doesn’t end up with Wrathion (which I know in my heart of hearts probably won’t happen) I can accept it.


Poor Tyrande. She made such a deal out of him being kidnapped by Xavius or the duel with Saurfang. Now she’s the one in danger and Malfurion is nowhere to be seen.


Damn I leave for an hour and there’s 40 new responses lmao.

This. Me too.

Right? I don’t get why people get so defensive every time Wranduin is mentioned, lol. Just let people enjoy their ships.

Theotar is a good boi. I’m glad I’m Venthyr XD

lmao sit down.

Why is it gross? Childhood friends eventually falling in love is the plot of so many chick flicks, lol. Super cliché but I enjoy it if it’s well done. Why would it be gross just because it’s two guys?

ship is short for relationship.

I laughed so hard at that. Good old Vice City and waiting for the ambulance to come so I could hijack it and run over the patients. Good times.

Anduin was never confirmed straight. He’s found two girls pretty or whatever, but bi people exist.

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Which is precisely why this “revelation” would actually be impactful and important, if realized.


As of this time there is nothing to suggest he into guys except the desire of some posters trying to force it. Makes you squee or whatever to imagine it and thus you are trying to ram a square peg into the round hole

Which is possible if you hit it hard enough and that’s what threads like these are about.

And there is nothing to suggest he is not into guys either. Back at ya :wink:


A comment like this in response doesn’t really do anything except reinforce my point.

When there’s nothing implied romantically, turning it into something lewd feels like a corruption of innocence / corruption of youth. It’s gross. It’s especially gross when they’re young boys - Sora is also 14 in the first game and 15 in the second. Somehow imagining him in perverse ways is okay to you, but neckbeards doing the same thing with their 10,000 year old dragon in the body of a 14 year old waifu is somehow morally repugnant? They’re the both equally gross.