Where's Wrathion?

You should get that checked out :sweat_smile:

Yeah, the Shaw/Flynn stuff does feel entirely shoehorned - and largely banished to the books, so that Blizzard doesn’t have to deal with the “controversial” pearl-clutching that will occur if they add a “queer” relationship to a “children’s game.”

But even if you aren’t someone who saw the Wrathion/Anduin hints, if they were to confirm it, you could definitely see it with the benefit of hindsight. Honestly, I didn’t see it at all. I do not have a functioning “gaydar.” But once it was pointed out to me… yeah, I can see that working. Why not throw the LGBTQ+ community a bone with some meat on it?

I like Fairshaw (like it has become on of my favorite pairings of all time, it’s the dynamic XD). And when it was first announced I was confused because I didn’t remember them interacting at all. But I then remembered the Bank Heist and rewatched the scenes which had them interacting and giving banter back and forth.

I think they wanted to do more with those two together but due to their flubbed story for BFA didn’t get as much done with it as they initially intended. Though I did like how in Shadows Rising it was more about how their relationship started rather than starting with them together in the book.

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That banter felt like friendly camaraderie like you’d see in a Pirates of the Caribbean or those kinda theme’d stuff. I think what happened was they saw people showing their like of those two from that ‘fandom’ niche group and I think they intentionally wrote a book highlighting those two.

Lot’s of times they’ll see a reaction to someone and just put more emphasis on them going forward either due to the publics reaction or their own revelations.

I think Christie Golden or one of the writers has stated they went into BFA with Fairshaw in mind but I can’t find the tweet talking about it so take it with a grain of salt.


Not everyone is evil for having different opinions so the ‘pearl-clutching’ comment is unnecessary. But I honestly think Blizz is throwing the proverbial bone in SL as a foundation. I’ll never see the pairing as something more than a brotherly kind of love but it’s Blizzard’s decision on what they do and where they take their characters so I either roll with it or part ways if I’m not enjoying myself anymore.

I’d take that with a grain of salt but they probably did. They leave a lot of stuff off screen so having it in a book format seems the best way for them to fit in a lot of information that would other wise be taken up in game by the other things going on.

Actually there is. Trying to make sharing feelings with one another into an interest in romance is itself toxic masculinity, reinforcing the notion that men are only men if they’re stoic and unfeeling with each other, and that sharing feelings is “gay”. It’s very bad and very toxic.

A lot of ships are also just straight up gross. Shipping childhood friends (SoRiku in Kingdom Hearts is gross) or shipping brothers (Supernatural, again totally gross) etc. Just stop it.

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And MOP anduin wrathion where Anduin was under age :sweat_smile:

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Where did I say anyone was evil?

I do criticize anyone who will go out of their way to sensationalize an issue. And this issue would, indeed, be sensationalized.

Tangentially-related, but I go out of my way to consume material that actively contradicts my beliefs. This seems to be pretty unheard of in modern discourse, but I like to think it gives me a pretty balanced view of things. Virtually everything is polarized and/or labelled, so discussion between people with differing beliefs often goes nowhere because the outcome was decided before the discussion began.

And as you say, if I do not enjoy something, I simply ignore it. I stop engaging with it. As a science fiction fan, I do not launch a campaign to shift Law & Order’s setting to a space station. I simply don’t watch Law & Order as it is not intended for me.

It is okay for things to exist that do not appeal to my sensibilities.

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Anduin and Wrathion are in a throuple with Baine.

Baine sent a message to Azeroth telling Wrathion to not worry, as he has a lot to clean up from the old gods, and Baine is going to rescue Anduin and reunite them at the hot spring resort once this is all over.

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I mean, Wrathion was what, two years old?

If you don’t like it, move on. There are ships I absolutely hate because it erases the sexuality of the characters (makes lesbian and gay characters straight or makes an ace character have to be waaaaaaaaaaay more sexual than they would be in canon just to make the ship work). But guess what? Liking problematic things in your ships or the media you consume does not mean you like that in real life.

There are things my spouse and I write together for shipping and stories that we in no way would want done in real life and know the people in it are toxic and not good for each other, but still like it in fiction.

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Which makes it even worse. :rofl:

Maan today’s people coming up with these weird names… before I knew what they meant by ‘shipping’ I thought they were either talking about an actual ship or was thinking ‘‘How can you mail two pixelated characters and where do they want to ship them’’ lol.

Or I’ll express my opinion that I don’t like it, and if enough of us do the same then Blizzard may make an effort to clear the air.

Language is always evolving, with new words being invented and incorporated. I’ll take “shipping” over a word like “selfie” any day. Most new words I’m pretty much fine with but “selfie” seems like such a childish sounding word for adult people in their 40-50s trying to seem young and cool to be using.

Bit of a minor off-topic rant but yeah.

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Yeah off topic but whatever… and yeah evolving but we are really ruining the english language. I would take that over selfie or like 100 other words I’ve been seeing used now by the twitch folk.

I can tell I am starting to get old because my brain absolutely refuses to understand “Poggers”

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Indeed. Fiction is a good outlet for toxic inclinations. That doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to act out that fiction because you use it as an outlet.

I’ve played GTA and pretty much drove exclusively on sidewalks… but you don’t see me mowing down pedestrians Monday through Friday. I’ve killed many a god in many a game, but I haven’t even been granted the opportunity to do so in reality, unforunately.

That being said… I do draw an “icky” line where fiction is used to justify, let’s say, immoral relationships. I do not care if she’s a 10,000 year old dragon if she acts and looks like a child.

But I know that this is not a slippery slope. Wishing for a queer relationship to be represented in game doesn’t mean you promote… “other things”… that detractors love to paint as a, “What’s next?! [Insert blank]?!”-scenario.

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Makes me think about the times I used to play Pog… then I see kekw and turn off my internet, :rofl: