Where's the Maintenance Message?

Okay, so I made a similar post about this a while back and it seemed like it should be a very simple solution. Whenever there’s maintenance, the Blizz Launcher for the game shows a “!” banner at the top to let the client know the servers’ ETA’s for coming back online. I know this, cuz gamers who replied to my last query included pics of their launchers.
For some reason though, that I still can’t figure out, my launcher doesn’t show this maintenance banner. Anywhere. I’m not doing anything different, so far as I’m aware. I start up the launcher, log into B. Net at the prompt, the launcher opens and… no banner, even though the realms are still all Offline. (Makes sense right now, it’s 10:20am PDT).
Do I need to change a setting somewhere to get the maintenance banner to show up for me?

It’s in the launcher. It’s been there since I posted it on Friday. :slight_smile:

If you cannot see it, I would recommend checking how you are logged in, make sure you are logging into the correct region. You will also want to check what language you have checked. Make sure it says English (US) and not English (UK).


Yes, thank you Vrakthis, I know where it’s supposed to be. I know. But in my launcher it doesn’t show up.
My settings has me in the “Americas” region. So that’s correct. So where to I go about seeing if my language is set to (US) as opposed to (UK)? I’ll see if that’s the issue.
I understand that for everyone else who has never had to deal with this issue, of this missing banner, that telling me “It’s in the Launcher,” sounds like a solution, but it’s not helping me. Please try to understand that receiving that as a response is a bit frustrating.
What about my status setting? I have my Btag to “busy”. Do I need to change it to “Online”, to receive this banner notification?

About half way down this page:

Mine has been set to “Offline” for twoish days so unlikely.


If you click the dropdown and click settings:


You should see App and App language.


What he is saying, is that he can only tell you that it has been posted to the launcher and is showing up. Vrak really isn’t going to be able to troubleshoot the issue as he isn’t a technician. He can really only give you some tips on what to check.

Verifying that the message is there and showing up as it should is actually very helpful information as it gives you a data point. This can be included in a bug report, which is what you should be opening for this, you can either do this by posting on the Bug Report Forum or by using the in game help menu.

This will allow QA and the Devs to look into the issue and see if they can replicated on their end.


Keep in mind there are TWO different notification areas on the Launcher.

The game tab will have the image that Vrak posted. You would want to check that specific tab - which you would have to do to launch the game anyway :slight_smile:

The other place you may see a notification is the top right up by your Btag friends list. That is for Battlenet Maint instead of individual game Maint.


Thank you, Jeysca and Mirasol. And thank you Vrakthris for the launcher “Settings” location - I was using the “Account Settings” in my b.tag drop down menu.
So… my language is set correctly. English (US). My region is set correctly. Americas. I’m in the GAMES tab, but also checked the HOME tab just in case. The “notifications” bell icon next to my Btag name is empty. Like, I click on it and it just says: “You’re all caught up!”

So… anything else I can check?

You need to be on the specific tab for WoW Retail, not just “Games” or Home.


You also need to be sure you don’t have any security mechanisms or browser functions blocking the launcher browser updates. It does display the current news on your WoW retail tab right?


In addition, the game selection dropdown will need to be on Retail. If you have it set to a PTR the notification will not show.


I know you said you were set to the americas, but I’d also check the languages in the log in option. You can find those by clicking on the setting icon.



It’s probably set to English (US), but I figured it was another spot you could check.


I am on the specific tab for WoW Retail as well, yes. (Says: World of Warcraft, version: Live). I can also see the current news ads, yes.
And y’know, I did check that in between posts, about the languages setting in the b. net login. Also correct, English (US).
Now here’s something though…
I’ve noticed in your launcher pics that each of them specifically have the latest WoW: The War Within banner on the left. Makes sense. I haven’t purchased The War Within expansion. My launcher only has a generic WoW banner. Like the launcher’s somehow out of date. I’ve even gone into the launcher settings again to see if I can choose some launcher update. No dice.
Could it be, that if we don’t purchase the latest xpac, our launchers aren’t set to receive the latest maintenance updates (banners)? Like something was overlooked during coding? Just a thought that rolled through my mind.

Have you tried switching to the Beta version of the Launcher?

Go to the Launcher Settings … choose Beta on the left and switch to the Beta version.

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It shows up in mine.

Hrm. Well Kyzera I’ll give that a try. Being I’ve tried everything else thus far. Just so as you all can see what I’m looking at for yourselves, here’s an imgur link:
(But seeing as I don’t think my ‘trust level’ is where the requirement is set, here’s the link for cut-n-paste just in case.) https://imgur.com/a/RGZqVfu

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Maintenance alerts are also posted under the support page


With links under the @BlizzardCS handle at X/Twitter.


Note that the webpage says it was last updated 4 days ago. It also has information about today’s downtime.

Do with that as you will.

Thanks Kozzae. I may just end up having to default to this in the future. And that’s fine, really. Then https://us.battle.net/support/en/ it is! And then the “Breaking News Weekly Maintenance Schedule” link. Sure, I can live with that.
Alright then! Thanks folks, much appreciated.
Oh yeah, and I did notice that Moseley, thank you.

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Okay maybe I’m missing it, but it doesn’t look like you are signed into Battlenet? Along the right (right of the bell icon) should be your user profile icon. I thought that was standard?


I’m not sure that having a subscription or having the latest expansion is a factor. I checked my second account, which is not currently subscribed and doesn’t have TWW, and it still shows the scheduled maintenance banner.