Where's the Classic WoW Release Announcement?

Honestly when is there going to be an actual announcement? These tiny “confirmation” posts are getting kind of tedious and without an actual release date to look forward too I am getting anxious I will admit.

You might claim I’m impatient and you’re not wrong, but you’re also not right. I’d be fine if Blizzard just gave a date, even if it’s far away. If the date was November 12th, I’d still accept it as okay (even if this is far past summer), because then I can at least have a time frame to put it for. To me Summer 2019 isn’t really a good time frame, that’s just “wishful” thinking. I’m sorry but I’ve had to many games say dates like that and just not follow through. Like OldSchool RS for example promises of Winter 2017 turned into October 2018. So for me right now Classic is basically releasing Winter 2017 until they give an actual date.

Tldr: Don’t care how long in the future it is, just give an actual date for release and not just a “guessing period” most of their games recieved 3-4 months notice for release dates in the past, we’re already in that time frame for Classic WoW so stop beating around the bush.


When it’s done.™ They’ll give a date when they feel the game is ready to be released. Pushing for it won’t make it come any quicker.


Same thing CD Projekt Red said about Cyberpunk 2077 “When it’s ready.”

Don’t want another Mass Effect 3 ending do you? :wink:

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Kek, the ending is just a tease, ME3 is just a poor quality game yet people gave andromeda a hard time for being infinitely better than ME3.

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Haven’t even touched Andromeda because of how they ended ME:3 -.-
Still haven’t recovered from that mess

I’ve played all 4 of the games, ME:3 while story wise is better than andromeda but ultimately andromeda is a superior in terms of overall play, if you didn’t notice the quality of ME went down with 3. The animations being the biggest and most notable thing to me as ME and ME:2 had far better animations.

I’m sure there were other things in ME:3 that shot quality down but at the time I was jarred with the horrible animations to truly notice anything else beyond some basic gameplay stuff like conversations and abilities.

Today was actually the first time I expected a Blue post (either on beta or release date) and we got nothing. :grin:


If you keep asking for release date itll turn into half life 3 and never release.

I checked the Blue post tracker and sorry, our limit of one useful blue post per week has been reached. Tune in next Friday to find out what new piece of information we receive. Hopefully people won’t ask silly questions next time.

This is my main reason for being so anxious. I actually thought being the first weekend in May that it’s getting so close to summer a LEGIT useful post would be announced. Was just something about this weekend that made a lot of sense. Yet here we are.

WIth it being may 3rd now and the recent updates and no beta invites out yet it is definitely not going to be playable for summer. Like actual summer while kids are out of school. mid to late august at the very earliest at this point just going off their history of updates and releases ALONE.

Lol what. Andromeda was so bad it felt like I was being trolled. For a game that was supposed to be about narrative and characters it sure lacked any kind of coherent story or any interesting characters. At least ME3 was good until the last mission. Andromeda stopped being good after the first mission.

The gunplay of Andromeda was fine but when every fight is broken up by 10-minute driving sections then it quickly gets tiresome.


There was only one good Mass Effect game, the original. Because BioWare didn’t make It.

It appears we are in alpha stage. Imaginably a lot of the team resources are geared towards The Alpha. Getting the preliminary tests done. So for the time being I figure we will get more info once the alpha is done/beta starts. Really to me there isn’t any more info to release except release date. Just assume Mid August to late July and you probably won’t be let down

Not true.

Posted today.

Alpha testing post got un-pinned today so we’re closer at least :wink:

Posted over 24 hours ago.

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He also said on Beta/Release date info. Not on some generic reply to something that could have easily been assumed by anyone.

That’s kind of a little restrictive. I mean, you could say the same thing for the 1.12 AV thread.

I mean, we all could have easily assumed we are getting 1.12 AV. Lot’s of people have been asked for something other than that but we could all assume 1.12.