Where were the Slime Cat in LFR complains before today?

It’s 5 months from start of patch to December for the release of DF

You can literally go into the group finder type in the name of the boss you want and sort by that

Casuals do normal, just a vocal minority of socially inept people crying cause they can’t afk for rewards in lfr

No it doesn’t plus what’s stopping you from doing the raid on normal before doing the fated one?

You’re just really determined to make this not Blizzard’s fault somehow, aren’t you?

Other achievements use the wording “On Normal difficulty or higher” when they mean that.



But what I said is true. Yes the achievement says any difficulty, but the blue said normal and up. Meaning LFR no longer counts in “any”. “Any” is now normal/heroic/mythic and LFR is a side thing.

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I may have lost my train of thought upon seeing your post.


I’ll have it done on heroic on likely multiple characters by the time DF releases.

I don’t care about the requirement for myself.

I do care that the achievement says essentially everyone could get it and now they are backtracking.


Edit: Sorry. I read your post wrong.

Season 4 is targeting casuals. No new/recycled content, no new gearing, and… “Look! We gave you the opportunity to get that mount everybody wanted and now we’ve removed it! Take that, casual scum!”


That’s ok I was to busy losing my train of thought to my post to remember what I was posting about .

Spidey sense tingling

Oh wait that was something else


imho if they did this then they should made it mythic only thing

Casuals can do everything that’s available in S4.

(Though this LFR slime cat debacle is definitely ridiculous and a bummer since I won’t be getting one now)

They should have just given it as the anniversary gift this year, no idea why a low quality reskin of possibly the most reskinned mount in the game is supposed to be super unobtainable (My account time is all used up, not going to re-sub for that thing lol)

Of course it sucks if you like the mount, it really should have been just a giveaway… like that ugly as sin tree mount that for some reason got voted in instead of the book or the slime cat. If the tree was essentially free for logging into the game all of the potential mounts from that little vote should require equal effort to get (aka logging in)


So let’s Occam’s Razor this, here.

Scenario 1 is that they intended it to be any Fated difficulty, then walked it back at the last minute for reasons unknown (coughmoneycoughcough).

Scenario 2 is that they actually always intended to change the term “any” in their achievements to “not LFR” all this time, despite always using different specific wording for it in all of their other achievements to this date for as long as there have been achievements in the game, and they decided to announce that by way of a blue poster on the forums talking about this one reward specifically.

Scenario 2 is what you’re going with?


It has an affix somewhat like M+ does or so I am told.

How did Blizzard think suddenly changing this was a good idea? I don’t understand.

Back during the 15th anniversary, they let us obtain a drake mount themed after Deathwing by doing what was essentially LFR Timewalking for a handful of bosses. It was great because everyone, including casuals like myself, were able to participate and earn an awesome mount.

So, what exactly was the problem with letting us do that again? Nobody complained about the Deathwing mount being easy to obtain, and nobody (until today) complained about the Slime Saber being obtainable in LFR.


Lord forbid you actually have to take one baby step outside of AFK LFR raids for something lol

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I’m kind of sad that it’s not just a giant pet slime cat but in mount form.

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It’s “New” kinda in the same sense when you vomit after getting sick you have a whole “New” meal right there in front of you!

Real answer: (devs are lazy and don’t even pretend to care about making new mini raids or dungeons to keep players busy in the lull between expansions anymore. Enjoy your heap of steamy regurgitated raid!)


Lord forbid someone not act like an elitist jerk in what was always the more casual of MMOs.


The achievement for earning the cat literally says ‘all difficulties’ and has for a very long time.

What part of ‘all difficulties’ excludes LFR difficulty exactly?