Where were the Slime Cat in LFR complains before today?

the loud minority


I would. But I can’t queue for them. I need to spend my own time trying to get into a group instead of being off playing the game - world quests and such - while I wait in an actual queue

Apologies, that was more for others who may not know.

Sadly par for the course.


Everyone got shafted in SL, not just casuals. It’s just been all bad.

I didn’t know that LFR would be fated at first, but since it is and the achievement says any difficulty LFR should be included.
And who cares anyway? Normal isn’t hard for a regular group so there is no prestige in this.
And with the season being kinda short and the raids are on a rotation some might have a hard time making the raid nights when a specific raid is up, and would need to LFR or pug when they can.
Take the win and include the mount in LFR.

Edit: Hopefully we will see the big community runs we saw at the end of legion. Helping casuals out.


She can be a part of my fantasy league team any time .

Some people have fantasy teams with big burly guys in pads and sports uniforms .

Me if it is going to be a fantasy team then it is going to be a FANTASY TEAM

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It’s pretty obvious who cares.

I just redeemed a 60 day game time card today before finding this out .


Im sure if it was simpler there would be.
But its every boss of every raid this expansion.
(I cant be bothered to count so im just going to round to 10 bosses per raid)
So its literally 30× the amount of work needed to get 1 person the mount.

It will be slim to none doing this


Pretty unfortunate since it’s kind of a bait and switch, any reasonable person would assume that if the achievement that’s in game mentions it being any difficulty, that would include LFR.


No but the raid doesn’t require you to finish it in one sitting… Do one boss at a time if you want lol

All good, I am sure this will get reverted lol

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The fel? It said ANY difficulty and now they decided to reverse course? Not even a peep from them? Heck the blue just posted a bunch of stuff about season 4 and nothing about this. Is this a last minute change? Couldnt you have told us then???


I don’t even really do LFR but this is a stupid change, it really boggles my mind sometimes just how willing Blizzard is to screw over the masses in order to make a very small segment of the population feel a little more special. Just to be clear, I’m not suggesting that normal, heroic and mythic raiders are a small percentage of the community, I’m talking about the small percentage of people that will be happy about the LFR peeps being screwed over.

This is one of those situations where Ion’s beginnings within the WoW community really make sense.


This is in the live game, right now.


One more finger down on the monkey’s paw.


It’s a matter of time
It’s a short season
You can’t extend lockouts
Even ‘normal’ or ‘heroic’ guilds don’t necessarily do the entire raid every week

It’s a bad decision locking not just ‘casuals’ but even some regular raiders out unless they dedicate 3-5 hours a week for 3 of the correct weeks for this season

It assumes everyone has already progressed every raid this expansion and almost no wipes


No its not.

Oh boy, I can’t wait to beg for a spot, only to get frustrated and give up, and just buy a carry.

Maybe this was intentional to boost token sales?


It’s always so wild seeing Blizzard just haul off and punch themselves in the junk like this. Like the Johnny Knoxville of game companies.


The item level of gear dropping in any of the three raids when it is Fated increases. All Fated raids drop the same ilevel of gear, and it’s significantly higher than even Sepulcher of the First Ones loot ilevel.

  • Fated raid LFR drops ilevel 265 gear, with the end boss gear being ilevel 272. That means that running LFR in the Fated raid will give you gear roughly equivalent to Heroic Sepulcher of the First Ones.
  • Fated raid Normal difficulty provides you with ilevel 278 gear, with 285 for end boss level loot, putting it on par with Mythic Sepulcher gear.
  • Fated raid Heroic difficulty will see ilevel 291/297 gear, better than any gear that currently drops in the game.
  • Fated raid Mythic difficulty delivers the best gear before Dragonflight, with ilevel 304/31

This is from July 19, 2022