Where Was The Outrage?

Yet you and your 3 other people on the forums are against LF Draenei using warlock powers, yet you are still avoiding like the plague explaining forsaken holy priests and LF Draenei shadow priests. i never once said holy priests use shadow magic.

This was not the own you thought it was lol. i’m embarrassed for you.

i love putting yall in your place, it’s so easy. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I use shadow word: pain. Does that count?

Undead paladins dont work because of how the light works within a paladin vs how it works within a priest.

A priest is a conduit for the light, light flows ~through~ them via acts of faith. IE think of someone praying that lightening strikes some one and it it happens.

A paladin is a beacon of the light and the light flows ~FROM~ them, meaning they are the source of the light. Again using the lightening example, rather then praying that lightening strikes, a paladin would just be able to cast lightening.

This is why undead paladins dont work becuase the rite to become a paladin, you actually have to get blasted with a crap ton of light during their initiation so that the light flows from them, which to an undead would literally blow him apart.

The only example of an undead paladin in game was the guy from nax, which was the exception not the rule.
he was a paladin in life whos faith was so pure even in death it answered his call.

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Not every single individual within a race follows the same rules, that’s the whole point of uplifting the class restrictions. We’ve run across draenei who even joined the Twilight’s Hammer. We’ve run across a good guy red eredar in Legion (he’s in the sewers). Just because you’re a draenei doesn’t mean you’re unable to make pacts with demons; people here pretend it’s a part of their genetics or something.

Would making pacts with demons make majority of your race look down upon you and question your heritage and loyalty to your race? More than likely. However, that’s why characters are individual’s with broad belief structures. Unless there’s some sort of genetic limitation preventing draenei from becoming warlocks, then there’s no reason one with a brain can’t one day decide, “You know what? Screw my races beliefs. I don’t agree with them. I’m becoming a warlock!”

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And on that note i shall return later i got a few things to do today. Stay salty.

Hate quoting an old thread but

They CAN use it, but the Light burns them for using holy magic

Gameplay purposes had Blizzard restricted them for not being shadow priest forums would be outrageous

Lore wise all lightforged draenei are in the light

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There is outraged.

Void Elves were a lazy addition meant to stick it to High Elf fans.

They were then promptly left to languish.

You weren’t around in Classic.


In the WoW lore, it’s pretty clear that Void and Light are not as mutually exclusive as Light and Fel. It’s the same concept as Balance druid not being locked into Sun or Moon but do both. Void and Light seem to just be two sides of the same coin. Fel vs Light has always been portrayed as being mutually exclusive, and that’s why people have more of an issue with it without the game giving us a proper explanatin as to why they are now able to coexist on a race/class combo.

Alleviating most of the outrage is literally as simple as adding green-glow infused “Felforged” for Lightforged and red skin color “Man’Ari” customization options to these two races

No, you ran across Eredar who did those things.

You can not be a draeni AND a warlock because they are mutually exclusive. Draenei is like a faith or a sect of people that follow a creed, if you no longer follow that creed, you are not a member of that group.

It literally does, because they are mutually exclusive to one another, you would not be a draenei because the entire point of being a draenei is to reject the notion of pacts with demons and the legion. By taking a pact with a demon you would be eredar again, or manari.

Again, its like a vegan eating meat, you can not be a vegan, and eat meat, because by doing so, you are going against the entire point of being a vegan. You are still a human, you are just not a vegan.

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we’ve had forsaken holy priests since day 1 and no one bats an eye

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Yes I have seen you regurgitate that same line ad nauseum. An yet it still doesnt add to you benefit in the slightest. A random npc hardly anyone cared about prior to being used as a stepping stool.
And in lore its even described that his faith in the light was so strong that even in Undeath he retained his morals despite his body being forced. He was in every sense of the word forced against his will trapped in a body no longer his.

Making him a extreme case of this working. WHICH brings it back to literal lore backing this 1/10000 chance possible.
Cant wait for you to mental gymnastics out of this an explain away lore you know nothing about to be used as weak an shallow talking points while claiming a gotcha.

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Draenei is simply the newly adopted name of the race, not a religious sect lmfao. Are new draenei born suddenly considered Eredar by their parents because the child hasn’t yet rejected the notion of ever making pacts with demons? That’s a silly way to think about the race. They are draenei as a new racial name, not something that makes them all have the same exact beliefs. There is nothing genetically stopping a draenei from becoming a warlock. If the race wants to suddenly start calling that draenei an eredar as an insult? Then they can do that, but again you have absolutely no argument why a draenei is physically incapable of making pacts with demons.

Thats literally not true, Draenei is what they called them selves because it means outcasts because thats what they were. They embraced the light because the others of their race embraced fel.

If you embrace fel, you are not a draenei anymore, because you then go against the entire point of why they named themselves draenei.
You would be eredar, or manari but you would not be draenei.

Their race would be eredar, but they would call themselves the draenei because again, they rejected fel so in the act of being a member of the eredar race, that rejects the fel pacts you are draenei, to go back on that, and embrace fel pacts, you are eredar and no longer draenei.

Yes, and once they do, they stop being draenei, and are eredar again, thats not hard to understand.

I have, and i have said it multiple times, but since we are here lets go again.

You can not be a draenei and be a warlock at the same time, because to be a draenei is to reject fel pacts and that is the entire point of why they call themselves the draenei or the outcast, because they were the outcast of the eredar race.
If you then, as a draenei, make a pact with demons, and embrace fel you are no longer a draenei, Because you are going against the entire reason that you were called draenei in the first place, because you aer no longer considered an outcast of the eredar race you are following in their foot(hoove) steps, you are eredar, or manari.


A younger generation challenging and questioning the established traditions is a common trope in story telling. A “draenei” Warlock can simply be a young Draenei born on either Draenor or Azeroth, who has no notion of what happened on Argus beyond what their parents tell them, could easily begin to question things. Especially when they see Humans, Gnomes, Dwarves, and Worgen dabbling in Fel magic.

Would they be accepted in Draenei society? Of course not. They would be declared Man’ari by their community. But that’s the entire point of the Warlock class. They are individuals who threw away their people’s culture and traditions to walk the dark path of a Warlock for any number of reasons. Curiosity? Teenage rebellion? Hunger for power? That’s up for the players to decide why their particular Draenei became a Man’ari Warlock.

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I think that you need more things to fill out your day.

TBH currently watching a progress bar so i got time to kill, windows says 30 min but windows 30 min could me 5 min or 2 hours.

You are seriously convinced that draenei who go outside the rules are suddenly deemed as eredar again? You really think all the draenei children literally labeled draenei in game all went through some odd “no demonic pacts” mantra? Dude, draenei is just the name of the race and you are looking way too deep into it if you think them practicing fel magic or having any association with demons suddenly turns them to “eredar” as if they aren’t pretty much the same thing. Blood Elves are still Blood Elves even if they have no loyalties to Kael’thas or have overcome their corrupted taint. That doesn’t suddenly make them identify as Quel’dorei. You need imagination.

2 of your specs are healing and holy based. Which one of warlock doesn’t involve murdercults?

One thing Blizzard said from the very start. Even if some races shouldnt be able
to be in certain specs (example: Forsaken Holy Priests). They did not want
players to be locked out of whole specs just because of the race they chose.
So those specs were allowed for game play purposes only.

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