Where Was The Outrage?

Based on your comments in this thread it’s not a big deal to you because you’re just making things up as justification and clearly don’t understand the lore.

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our game now, chuds!

There is no argument to be had about this, Blizzard doesn’t care what people post they care that they’ll get a nice cash infusion of race changes. The end.

Name checks out.

aha, aha aha, uwu buy my…

It’s more race/class combinations which nobody is upset about. :dracthyr_heart:

Tuskarr DH when?


All classes for all races!

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We can limit you to classes that have at least one spec that makes sense but no more. Oh wait. . .

Lots of comments which is nice, but they all support my argument that all races/class combos/specs are doable and appropriate! I LOVE IT!

As someone who NEVER reads quest text, I was fascinated to learn this. Thank you

By friend, you missed that outrage by quite a few expansions.

What exactly am I making up about the lore?

The fact that draenei are able to think for themselves?

For starters, you went on a rant that Fel doesn’t change an Orc’s skin color. That’s well established. It’s literally shown in the Warcraft movie when Gul’dan resurrects Thrall using Fel and he turns green.

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Any shadow or void based race which has a holy based class is under constant pain and gives off smoke.
When they use their powers, they give off a void/holy mixed light flaming aura.
And they have 10% less mana than usual: needed to constantly heal themselves.

It wasn’t a rant and we’ve already seen certain NPC’s utilize fel magic without turning green. Laughing skull NPC’s from WoD do so and at times they remain grey, or perhaps take on a different form of corruption. Just look at Kilrogg Deadeye’s model in Hellfire Citadel, he doesn’t turn green explicitly, but his eyes do, and his hand turns mostly black and fel corrupted. Gurtogg Bloodboil in the same raid also isn’t green, he’s got red skin.

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According to lore Shadow can mix with Light just fine. The only two schools of magic that don’t mix are Light and Void. And yet they are drawn to each other and made literally every other magic.

Has anyone even stopped to consider that Blizzard is the one who made up the Warcraft universe and all the lore surrounding it, so if they really wanted to they could just makeup whatever reasons they wanted to justify why all races can be all classes?

Like hello, why are you even arguing why a race that Blizzard literally made up can’t be a class that Blizzard also made up? They literally wrote the reasons you’re citing for why that can’t happen, why couldn’t they just make up new reasons for why it can happen?

This is a fictional fantasy video game, some of you have really lost the plot.

Lmao you’re right.

I know there were some retcons in Warcraft’s history, but many other things that changed and people get upset at is either from undeveloped concepts or unreliable narrators (which can be used to expand on something towards a different direction).

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