Where Was The Outrage?

Don’t mind if I do! :popcorn:

So you admit don’t care about the lore, dang. Guess that means you have no valid opinion here, sweetie.


And haven’t seen your opinion on Sir Zeliek or Lothraxion. i hope you’re vehemently against them.

That’s more so arrogance if anything, and practically every race is capable of being arrogant.

Now do holy priest.

Remember guys on the same breath these people defend all classes/specs for all races an say lore doesnt matter, are the same that say the current story is crap an wonder why.
Its almost like Lore matters but ya know they will defend themselves into contradictions because muh game play.

Yeah you didn’t play warlords of Draenor apparently

Grommash was told “hey fel magic make our race be slaves don’t drink it and we can overcome Gul’dan and the demons” by Garrosh

Grommash LITERALLY banned warlock practice magic in his iron horde

And the maghar you recruited from BFA live on that rule like religion

A maghar orc practicing fel magic is a GREEN ORC that we have had since vanilla

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Sir Zeliek, years ago, opens up the path for unholy/holy creatures to utilize power from the opposing force.

Get on my lore level.

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This was not said in the slightest.
This will be my last reply to you because youre not worth my time.

Both are different to the topic and both actually have in game explainations behind them.

Yes, and they both validate LF Draenei being able to utilize warlock powers. lrn2lore sweetie

And you don’t want to respond anymore because you know i’m right lol

Yes, however, by doing so the main race in question that this is all about, draenei be it lightforged or normal, are muturally exclusive from being warlocks.

Draenei are of the Eredar race, meaning outcasts, they were the ones who refused the pacts with the demons and fled their home world. So to be Draenei is to reject fel and pacts with demons. Those thats took pacts with demons were labed as Eredar and Manari or abomination.

So to be a warlock you are no longer a dreanei, to be a draenei is to be an outcast from the Eredar race which embraced demonic powers.

Being a Draenei warlock is like being a Vegan that eats meat.

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I’m going to give you a chance to change your mind on that before I rip your opinions on what you just said

i’m the one justifying unholy/holy beings using their opposing powers (i.e. undead paladin like we had for years in game and now Cringelia Menethil). You’re the one crying about LF Draenei getting warlocks.

The whole issue Garrosh had is the taint drinking fel blood had on their people. Yes, they also had their issues with fel magic, but practicing fel magic doesn’t turn an orc’s skin green lmfao. It’s also been quite some time since the Mag’har left Draenor and guess what… Grommash isn’t in charge any longer. If you truly don’t think there are some Mag’har who would have some sense of individuality and would take risks and do things outside of what’s expected of them then I’m glad you aren’t in charge of any story or characters whatsoever.


Holy priests don’t even USE shadow magic

LITERALLY icy veins guide doesn’t even suggest you to use shadow magic talents on the priest talent tree and there’s NO shadow magic in the holy priest tree

The freaking holy priest artifact from legion doesn’t even use shadow spells ANYWHERE including the sockets

Void Elf Priest is the same reasoning as Undead Priest and this was explained a long time ago in lore back in vanilla. If you were a void elf paladin THAN maybe you would have something.

Yet you and your 3 other people on the forums are against LF Draenei using warlock powers, yet you are still avoiding like the plague explaining forsaken holy priests and LF Draenei shadow priests. i never once said holy priests use shadow magic.

This was not the own you thought it was lol. i’m embarrassed for you.

i love putting yall in your place, it’s so easy. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I use shadow word: pain. Does that count?

Undead paladins dont work because of how the light works within a paladin vs how it works within a priest.

A priest is a conduit for the light, light flows ~through~ them via acts of faith. IE think of someone praying that lightening strikes some one and it it happens.

A paladin is a beacon of the light and the light flows ~FROM~ them, meaning they are the source of the light. Again using the lightening example, rather then praying that lightening strikes, a paladin would just be able to cast lightening.

This is why undead paladins dont work becuase the rite to become a paladin, you actually have to get blasted with a crap ton of light during their initiation so that the light flows from them, which to an undead would literally blow him apart.

The only example of an undead paladin in game was the guy from nax, which was the exception not the rule.
he was a paladin in life whos faith was so pure even in death it answered his call.

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Not every single individual within a race follows the same rules, that’s the whole point of uplifting the class restrictions. We’ve run across draenei who even joined the Twilight’s Hammer. We’ve run across a good guy red eredar in Legion (he’s in the sewers). Just because you’re a draenei doesn’t mean you’re unable to make pacts with demons; people here pretend it’s a part of their genetics or something.

Would making pacts with demons make majority of your race look down upon you and question your heritage and loyalty to your race? More than likely. However, that’s why characters are individual’s with broad belief structures. Unless there’s some sort of genetic limitation preventing draenei from becoming warlocks, then there’s no reason one with a brain can’t one day decide, “You know what? Screw my races beliefs. I don’t agree with them. I’m becoming a warlock!”

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And on that note i shall return later i got a few things to do today. Stay salty.