Where they at...?

I can’t help but notice a real lack of outhouses in WoW. Where is our waste going in Stormwind? I mean at least horde can build their city with theirs… it’s not glamorous but it makes a house a home :poop:

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Since when does crap make a house a home? I’m never going to your house.

Also, no. Horde doesn’t use it for building materials. We go swimming a lot.

I’ve noticed out houses in the Stormsong Valley BUT! The doors don’t open!!! Yikes! :persevere: :astonished:
Gets a little stressful when your flying around farming ore and herbs and you gotta go and none of the doors open! Thank God for all the thick green bushes!..greener now for sure! :+1:


What do you think you’re digging up every time you click the archaeology Survey button?

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I mean the bathrooms not the crap :rofl: Primitive building uses primitive material. I’m just saying if you whiff around horde cities it doesn’t smell good. Need more washrooms

Stormwind has internal plumbing. They don’t need outhouses.

I knew I saw a blood elf leaning down while I was flying over… xD

Yep that probably was me doing the squatting pose! :grin:

Druids do it from the sky! Bird form and let it go free!!

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I GUESS that’s a fair point haha

I’m undead, I don’t have need for such facilities. Though last I checked, Horde cities are typically wood, stone, and metal, not so indifferent from Alliance cities really. Just in design.


That’s the only thing Garrisons are still good for.

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Magic diapers.

composting toilets :slight_smile:

You know, I think Blizzard got tired of being made fun of for having a poop quest in every expansion. So they took our outhouses away.

The sewage waste is used to manufacture more gnomes and Dwarves.

I prefer horde cities as they tend to blend into the background so it’s easy to walk by someone’s house and not even know it.

Great for ambushes.

and people wonder why nobody wants to play on alliance

I just has had a weird thought. Demon Hunters are part demon, do demons poop? This is a conundrum heh.

Indoor plumbing that is flushed out with the canals to the sea.
Very hygienic.

Humans in WoW like to build extensive and very capable sewer systems, see: Dalaran, and Lordaeron.