I want a toy

That works in Druid flight form dropping bird turd to targets below me like the parrots in Freehold, or guano for trolls.


Thanks, I hate it.



I didn’t know i needed this… but i need this toy for my druid.

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I’d be happy for a bomb droppable from flight form that does, say, 100K damage in a 60-foot diameter circle. Bonuses for dive bombing accuracy.

Only if it requires you to have an active food buff and the buff gets removed when you drop your dookie bomb. And anyone you hit with it gets a cosmetic Smelly! debuff that lasts until they submerge themselves in water.

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Make it like the Halloween stink bombs.

For when you want everybody to know you’re actually eight years old.


i worry for what rule 34 would do with this… inspiration…

Someone has suffered the plight of getting sea gulled in life and now wants to do it to people in game.

2 druids…


HAULT. you have violated the law.
serve your time or pay your sentence!

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-ten characters-

It’s cute that you think this would inspire something that didn’t already exist.

out of curiosty… ive checkd…
maybe not thoroughly because my eyes are very important… and cloaca stuff isnt okay.

Druids do it from the sky! Bird form and let it go free!

You smell like parrot guano

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And have the bomb be composed of fecal matter, with a debuff of 30 minutes, that makes all venders refuse to sell to you.

Use of the toy has the same global cooldown and does not have a long cooldown? I am for it.

I also want /fart to have a sound effect. In fact… lets have at least five fart sounds that are random when /fart. Also that toy that drops poo on things… does fart sounds. Now I want to make a macro linked to taunt with /fart. Yeah, that will get the mobs attention!