Where is there a technical status of all these recent issues?

Many people are complaining about a LOT of issues trying to get into and / or play the game right now after the maintenance. All I want to know is WHERE is there some sort of link to a status from Blizzard? Surely we deserve to be told the status, not just that “people are having difficulty”. What is the status?


I am very sure spamming the CS Information Desk is not going to help you. I promise, they won’t be passing that on to the engineers and software folks.

You will get an update when they have an update ready to be publicly released. For now, you can monitor the launcher and the Blizzard CS Twitter.


Any updates on this issue will be posted in the mega-thread


Launcher will let u know of any issues theres also a mega thread hiere that has updates as they become available.

You realy dont want to play games here its a good way to get a forum vacation.

Calm down. Spamming and typing gibberish will not help you.

This is a player help player forum.

You mean the thread flagged as “solved”?

Thats still teh best place to look for information.

Guy just ignore flag once and dont feed teh troll.

No, they mean where any updates are there will be posted in at given thread.

No, no you actually do not. Continuing down this path will not end well for you.

yes. they marked it resolved then found it wasn’t. they just didn’t unflag it

This guy…someone get this guy lol

Where is this mega thread? Link please?

wow - no, you don’t have a right.

Really do you think this is a good idea?

Yeah, I realize. It gives me as much of a good feeling as the complete lack of anything on the Blizz CS twitter account.

I don’t understand how every service issue follows the exact same pattern of complete radio silence for way too long when customer service 101 tells you to do literally anything other than that.

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