Where is the official source of lore

I see youtube videos and such where people talk about races, places and things in way greater detail than whats revealed in game. Is it just the comics/novels? If so then those writers created the lore instead of it being the solid canonical lore like in DC comics ot something.
Other well established universes maintain somewhat strict history. if they throw something new into the mix they make sure it makes perfect sense.

Other than Chronicles, which we now have confirmed are a biased account of the Warcraft universe, then, no, there is no official codex of canonical lore, at least that the public has access to.


Who knows. They retconned Chronicles two months after releasing it.

So wherever the official source is, if they could do Blizzard a solid and tell them, that’d be great.


wait what?

They said at Blizzcon that the Chronicles books were actually written from the perspective of the Titans. We’ve reached the point where they have to retcon their OWN official lore books because they retcon their own lore so much.


Yup feels like I wasted money on buying those books :confused:

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I don’t know why, but I for sure wouldn’t have bought those books knowing that


I faceplanted on my desk and broke my nose, you did this to me.


A lot more than their timey wimeys are wibbly wobbly.



You got art books? And toilet reading?

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I do that every time I hear Blizzard talk about the story. “Oh by the way, Sylvanas can totally just create val’kyr now!”

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Dude, seriously, you need to start a thread, I feel like that got missed. I haven’t seen anything like that;.

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And now they’re saying original Warcraft 3 is outdated too so in reforged they’re changing the story so it fits BFA :joy:

I had to read it here a few days ago. One of the devs said it in an interview after Blizzcon I think. It was very tongue-in-cheek, or at least that’s how I took it. It was basically, “who knows? Maybe when she gets to Bastion she’ll figure out how to create her own val’kyr?” wink wink

I’ll see if I can find the thread, it linked the article.

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I meant the “Written from the titans” bias thing but either or.

People point to Chronicles a lot. The truth has to be known.

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Here’s the Sylvanas one. So... Killing Brynja was the supposed "Vengeance for Teldrassil," right?

I think they talked about the Chronicles one in the Q&A at Blizzcon but I’ll look.


Theirs currently 2 concrete sources of lore info.

  1. The Chronicle books, which while said to have been written from the omnipresent view of the Titans, still lays down the groundwork for a lot of the basics, such as how the universe as a whole works.

  2. Wowpedia, which is the games unofficial wiki, and generally the best source for any in-game lore. Granted this is as accurate as what is presented ingame, but it means you don’t have to slog thru all that questing to get that story.

That’s basically it to my knowledge, Blizzard likes to follow “the rule of cool” a lot so then retconning things on occasion is a given.


Yeah it was at the Q&A.

Q: Is Chronicle cannon?
A: It is, but it is from the view of the titans and so there is room to explore the more obscure mythology.


The Chronicles still matters a lot, it gave a huge foundation of factual lore. It’s more just a general summary from an outside perspective. It often skipped by centuries and thousands of years at a time and didn’t go into great detail on some subjects. So there’s still a lot of room within it to expand and develop further that the books didn’t mention.


So essentially, the Chronicles is a two page illustration of the cosmic forces hierarchy and three books of filler.

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