Where is the official source of lore

Great, so whatever they think is awesome at the time.

That sound is the story train jumping the shark.


Pretty much yeah. Just like when they said the old gods are dead BUT they can just bring them back anytime they want, if they feel like it.

That has been true since WC1.

The WoW Lore was always a slave of the rule of cool, and it will always be so until the end of time.


No, they’re not.

That one I think they’ve only said Y’shar was dead and the others were put back into a dormant state when defeated. That’s something they’ve been consistent about since C’Thun.


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Sorry they are.

Pretty sure it was Mortis up there that linked the interview where they said it. That was almost verbatim what they said, too. “The old gods are dead but let’s be honest, is anyone in Warcraft ever really dead? We can bring them back whenever we want.”



Here’s another one that talks about Golden being brought in to “restore parity” to WoW’s lore.

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Those are from last year.

Call me thoroughly skeptical, then. There’s plenty of flavor text they can change to retcon lore without changing voices.

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If you go on the WC3 forums, it’s the current hot topic of nerd rage that Blizzard is no longer changing the story. Lol

Activision tends to monkey’s paw their development cycle. The Spyro fiasco was part of that. There was outrage to how it was going to be released, they “listened” changed a couple of things, then released it basically how they wanted to.

I don’t trust sudden reversals this late in development.

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There is no official source as they are forever changing the past. When you throw in multiple universes and timelines there is no point to really getting attached to any one storyline or point.


In this case, there are retcons and sometimes small conflicting things are shown…but overall there is a pretty well, huge, stablished world across time. Most of what you read is canon. Only very few things here and there conflict canon.

Yes, most of the lore you’ll find through the books and comics.

The 3 volumes of the chronicles summarise the most important events since the creation, up to Cataclysm. This is, you’ll find most of the process both Azeroth and Draenor evolved through, and what’s been happening on the last few decades of Warcrat-World of Warcraft. These are however,mostly, cold facts.

Books tell stories. You see the main cast of characters, and some not-so-known ones, living their adventures. Thinking, feeling, acting, reacting.

Many quest dialogues however also give lore. And ultimately, when there’s a specific point you’d like to know about, you just google it on the known sites containing wow lore info.

Is there a alternate universe where you steal cookies instead of giving them?

It’s more so, “it’s correct until said otherwise”.

Personally I take the Chronicles as hard fact until the game or another source of lore retcons/proves otherwise. Up until this point the books have been correct.

Though them saying what they did gives them more freedom to do as they wish.

No they are not saying that. They thought about doing that but many people reacted negatively so, they have chosen to keep the Lord the same.

I appreciate you feel that way, but…nope. Laughably incorrect. Comics lore is full of retcon.

All lore is created by an author at it’s base. The books and comics for wow were created with the input of the developers that are considered the stewards of Lore.

The released the 3?4? book set of Chronicles detailing the lore (though it is Lore as reported by the titan pantheon and therefore has some skew).

Nobbel as an amazing amount of solid lore vids on youtube.