Where is the Mage Water Elemental Pet?

Which has shown to be on the bottom.

According to you, not actual logs comparing me against real players of same class.

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Yeah, I purposefully cherry picked the best rankings for Frost in all of those bosses and the best it performed was mid-tier. Proving, that just because it was the bottom in MoP, doesn’t mean it was the PvP spec in MoP. Which brings me to…

you trying to sound smart relaying a fallacy having nothing to do with what it quoted unless you were saying the majority of players back then thought that, therefore it must be, at which point it sounds like you using said fallacy as your claim? Still…

How did Mastery boosting pet damage, forced procs via waterjet/freeze, existence of Lonely Winter, being at least 20%(15% waterbolt; 5% procs being lenient[BFA not-withstanding as GS made all other spells do less than 10% total]) of total damage, permanent(though irrelevant), and being able to heal pet via Frostbolt not make Frost a pet spec?

That’s where you’re wrong. They’re not measuring your skill vs equally geared members, but all mages, including those a tier ahead. And, if you can only blue against them, well, you need to work on improving.


If you honestly think think that you clearly dont understand how to read logs.

If Frost was the meta you would be sub 20%.

We were literally talking about his ilvl parses which compare him against people within 3 ilvls of his ilvl. As usual you both dont know how to follow a conversation.

Then you can’t read a number. The highest parses have a rating of 100.



If you mean the 5+ posts of you repeating how they “suck” and aren’t “as good as most people” when if you learn how to read logs, blue starts at 50 and goes up. If the blue is Ilvl, than Nelluced is at least better than 50% of the players in that Ilvl bracket. And you see he’s 57% of 7069 parces? That means he’s better than 3,500 other players of that Ilvl. Then you mentioned that was 20% compared to all which out-right confused the conversation considering you literally just said you’re only talking ilvl. Unless you’re talking ilvl for all classes and now you’re not taking class balance and population into account.


I know how to read logs. I clearly showed you dont know how to read logs or understand them.

Blue isnt “playing 75% above the playerbase” its not even playing above 75%! of the mgae playerbase.

He played 53% as a frost mage, Frost was the least popular spec that tier which means its much easier to parse on a lower played spec when the better players are playing fire/arcane.

If frost was the meta spec he would easily be grey parsing because the better players would ALSO be playing frost.

EITHER way parsing blue on heroic is nothing to brag about and certainly doesnt give you any credbility to claim to have clas experience. Purple or higher for heroic log credbility.

The 53% was as arcane in the heroic ep. The 72.4 was frost on normal anduin
This doesnt make any sense when the rating id labeled parse % with the top players being at 100%. If my parse goes from 66% overall to 72.4 wheb controlled by ilvl its comparing me against players of my ilvl. Otherwise that button means nothing.

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Ok and?

Normal logs are worthless.

Just because you dont understand it doesnt mean it doesnt make sense

  1. you were wrong about me not haiving an above average parse on heroic.
  2. Controlled for ilvl it was a purple parse. I linked the the non controlled rating.


On arcane. So your attacks on it being garbage for being frost are moot.

You discount the lemmings who will play something because it’s meta with 0 capability.

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You did this on one boss in one raid out of the whole expansion on Frost. Your credibility on matters concerning Frost mage is nil. Nelluced blue parse on normal outweighs your 75 right next to your 30. Hell, you don’t even have any Mage parses in the raid you linked, further showing how little you would know about this class, let alone spec.


Yet you cant even clear a full raid.

Not really. Its 7k parses on your arcane log too as fire was the default spec.

Nah I just ignore bad players opinions like yourself.

I never claimed to be an expert on Frost. I just said its not a pet spec which I dont need to be an expert to make that statement.

Normal parses are worthless and will never mean anything.

Sure thing. I clearly know more than you and was even proven by Zerida

Do i try to? No. If icy is right and i beat you not even trying, that’s sad bro.

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You havent beat me.

Icy is never right.

You thinking you beat me is whats sad

Yet time and time again you two are proven wrong. One on saying Frost wasn’t a pet spec, and again saying numbers don’t matter about knowledge accept when they fit you trying to put someone down.

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Well poo. You’ld think someone with better skill than a Snozy would be right about something.

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Either way, we’ve entertained them long enough. Topic was derailed. Bring pet back.

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Dude. You’re parsing gray and your rating normally goes down when controlled for ilvl.

You orange parse falls to blue when controlled for ilvl, 67 to be exact.

Falling rating when compared to people at your ilvl is the opposite of skill.


You’re a bully and you think by being mean no one will call you on your crap.

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You havent proven anyone wrong. You just ignore the facts.

You even admitted Frost isnt a pet spec.

LOL you arent better than me.

Parsing grey in mythic on prog kills and not having an aug/pi.

Hard to parse when you drop to 5 fps on pulls because of thirty people in the raid.

Im the one who called you out on your delusional points. Lets see your current heroic logs? O wait they dont exist lol

Skill issue. I still parse at least green at that low fps.