Where is the Mage Water Elemental Pet?

I am back to wow after a long while and wanted to try my Mage ALT and I recall that there used to be a mage water elemental pet? Would tank stuff so I didn’t insta die? Has it been removed or is it in a different place? Please help.


I believe it’s a talent now on the frost mage tree.

Edit: Yes, it’s 5th row down in the Frost talent tree. You have to choose between Lonely Winter and Summon Water Elemental.


Thank you so very much! :heart:

Confirming that this is true, it is a talent for this

Though the other talent has kind of made the Frost Elemental obsolete in most circumstances, sadly.

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The only pets that matter now is when you can bring a whole zoo and the extra nova is irrelevant as roots are nothing against melee that can run faster.

This needed re-confirming after 4 months??? Lol


Not to mention everyone can break your snare anyway with one aoe spell. It never lasts long enough for you to shatter anything with it.

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I’m 90% sure it’s off GCD, and there’s a 1 second grace period on snares so you could yes.

They’ve ( in a very blizzard fashion) added it to the talent tree and make you choose between doing better dps or having the dumb pet. Should not be a choice between the 2 imo, but hey, its blizzard. Water ele should be baseline, along with our other spells. Mages get the shaft.


I’ll pass on it being baseline, as it has been useless and weak since Legion. Aside from the possible use it has in PvP (solved by a pvp talent) it has been ignored since WoD (and I don’t think it was a talent then). I haven’t yet figured out why they didn’t change it back to be more like Vanilla/TBC where it was a strong cooldown.

With all the complaints about how crap IV is, and how much we hate the IP/TV playstyle I don’t understand why there isn’t a better alternative using ‘Bubbles’. Remove LW and make the buff baseline, then make the current IP talent into a split where the other option is for IV to conjure Welly and buff him accordingly. Finally a strong burst CD that doesn’t revolve around ROP and IV uptime.

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When was this? My water elemental has never had the ability to tank.

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If you pop Mirror Image, your WE will act as a Fourth mirror image and absorb all of your aggro. I do not know if this works with the current version since it no longer is a perma-pet, and it may have different properties.

As of Nov 2023, It is no longer on the 5th row of the frost talent tree

this thread kinda old. But you used to be able to use the water elemental as a sorta off-tank kinda thing.

Send in water elemental to attack first,let it get 3-4 hits in, then attack. Its not really ever been a tank, BUT sometimes if played properly in a solo setting (never did it in groups obviously) the water elemental could take agro in an emergency and it would actually help a lot.

Without the water pet, the mage soloing ability actually got nerfed a little bit tbh, but like my topic I made, I dont find mages to be that bad with self sustain and defenses, but the water elemental did help quite a bit.

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It was tragically removed for no good reason at all. It is now a temporary summon on the same level as Animal Companion, the hunter spell that summons a giant animal for a few seconds.

Which is why we must make it known that it is dearly missed! There’s plenty of threads on the topic. If you miss it, speak up, be heard, and let’s bring back more options on how to play your mage!

Every other class has received tons of customization and fluff options this expansion while mages have only lost customization and fluff. So many glyphs and recipes that affect pets are now useless, and there was no reason for this travesty


As been explained to you multiple times. It was removed for good reason. Most people hated it.


Don’t roll a class whose lore you actively hate? Hilariously all frost mages must now interact with it during IV, making that claim a load of baloney. And it’s not like we don’t have 2 other specs without pets that normally perform better anyway. All the spreadsheet enjoyers will forget frost exists once fire or arcane are top again, and all we’ll be left with is a husk of a spec with no flavor.


Where in the lore are frost mages a pet class?

Which is more than it was used. It also doesn’t have the issues that permanent pet had which is why no one used it.

All three specs have been good since SL.

It doesn’t change the fact that most people hated pet and used LW.

The only people that actively used pet were solo world content players.

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Like all of our legion companions that used frost as their primary element showed an elemental pet in the background of the mission table UI when you inspected them? And it was a hard pet spec from cat until legion when LW wasn’t a thing? Also water elemental was relevant to our rotation in BC, far before Ice lance even, given that ice lance wasn’t even usable on bosses. The fact you’ve been able to ignore it for 6 years because of LW is the only reason you’re able to say this out loud. I’m glad you have to use it again.

It literally has all the same controls with no way to bring it back if it dies, but mmkay. I personally find this inferior to the permanent one which I could just bring back if something bad happened. CTRL+1 to control where it attacks wasn’t much finger gymnastics either. The difficulty in controls is overstated.

LW was vastly superior. This was called out in beta feedback and not mentioned at all when the numbers were cited. Also I hope they adjusted for people’s main specs when they made the call. Anyone who mains fire or arcane probably just had LW picked because they don’t like pets.

LW being superior was anomalous as well given the fact that blizzard tends to balance active abilities to be stronger than passive ones. Had the numbers been the opposite with the elemental being stronger and most people that were maining frost still weren’t taking the pet, then I’d believe you. Most mage players just care about numbers, hence the lack of whining when it was expected they didn’t use it all throughout the LW years and lack of whining when they are expected to use it 20% of the time.