This is why i’ve stated they could have done a better job de emphasizing it sooner if they were serious about removing the pet. Including it in the mastery, having companions scale off of we troops when on missions, having we everywhere, having none of the frost companions use lw (all of them showed a we in the background of their profile when you selected them in the mission table). Saving them memo for the icy veins nerds was really not fair to noobs coming back who enjoyed that part of the fantasy. Nor was it fair for them to make lw stronger, which someone here who you agree with has all but admitted.
Nel didnt even really play Legion.
zero bosses killed on any tier but this one and no full clears on anything
I changed my name and race. Look up Spaycemage. Sure someone who didn’t play in legion knows more than both of you about the mastery. Lol.
Ps my first mage was in vanilla. I was gonna let all your bc flexes slide but now i have to say something.
This is still your mage and still really bad logs. Looked up your other mage and the char doesnt exist.
I wasnt flexing playing mage in BC I just stated thats when I started playing. Mage was my first toon and rogue was my second.
PS playing since vanilla doesnt make you good at the game or knowledgeable.
My armory profile clearly shows more kills than parses found for legion. So missing logs or no, there’s still proof. Though they should include dates.
I also have the violet spellwing, so emprical proof i cleared antorus before bfa launch.
Which means you went back and killed things when they werent current.
The proof of the logs show you arent good at mage.
And? Also parses control for ilvl so they don’t actually show skill.
Again i have the spellwing. You’re accusing is really cute mr hasn’t play frost mage before df season 2 in years.
Could have, would have, should have… this is you making conjectures.
I already explained to you that legion was peak claass fantasy. If they really wanted us to have WE-s we would have got it. We didn’t used if for the entire expansion.
But at least 30 to 40% of us were if you watch hall of the guardian footage. Everyone finally got the memo by df that lw was better.
You clearly dont know how logs work. There is a toggle for both all ilvl and your ilvl bracket which is 3 ilvl difference. You parsed grey in both.
Ok? You either bought or got carried to an aotc mount. That doesnt mean you are actually good.
I have played all 3 specs of mage off and on since BC. I dont know why this is so hard for you to understand.
Random % pulled from backside check. Any more random numbers you get there bud? Also show me a single mythic killvideo with WE in it please.
I mean you literally made up no one was using it (or sounds that way with “we” though i doubt given your knowledge that you’re included in that “we”). The footage alone disproves you. The mythic kill comment if true only proves what we’ve ben saying this whole time and that is it became a non choice given numbers. I’m pointing out the fantasy was there before it happened.
I actually earned it in a pug, after the season end and begin of bfa, literally hours before launch. All the other people i earned it with are like special olympics runners who complete the race after the real kids and blizzard had the heart to keep the lights on for us. Hobbling across the finish line in our wheel chairs with a single light on. We’re subbed players too you know.
Yeah you def got carried LOL
If it was it was a charity carry. Didn’t pay a dime. And they didn’t make me kill myself either which is standard for carries.
Your cherry picking is cute. Here’s a 72 parse when controlled for ilvl
www.warcraftlogs. com/character/us/proudmoore/nelluced?zone=29#boss=2546&private=1&bybracket=1
I’m above average at my best and raiding isn’t even my main activity.
I never said you paid for it. I said you got carried.
Again getting carried to a single aotc mount doesnt make you good or knowledgeable at the game
I suggest google “hyperbole”
Also even if your over overinflated number is right, it’s still the minorityx.
And I am pointing out that the fantasy was not there, since blizz did nothing to enforce it. Since they are in charge, their action is what matters. The very next expansion they removed it.
- I had more data than you even provided. So suddenly i’m supposed to take nothing you say seriously while you get to take everything i say 100% seriously and scrutinize it.
- i gave you plenty of fantasy. You keep only stating numbers and transient expansion features, also tied to numbers.
If you see them as the same then we’ll just have to agree to disagree.
LFR difficulty. Everywhere LW. Even in LFR dude.
Your sole argument is based on a single transistent expansion feature, that mastery increased the damage of WE which went away the very next expansion dude…
Here is some data for you, 6.5k views on the thread, only 3 of you active. Hopefully you break for the holidays.
already addressed.
The fact that you can’t see any of the non-numbers fantasy I’ve addressed and can only quote a log, clearly showing LW is superior proves everything we’ve been saying.