Didn’t legion mastery buff all frost damage not just pet damage?
You’re still failing to see the interaction that demo and Bm have with their pet compared to frost not having that same interaction.
You don’t play those classes and it shows.
Didn’t legion mastery buff all frost damage not just pet damage?
You’re still failing to see the interaction that demo and Bm have with their pet compared to frost not having that same interaction.
You don’t play those classes and it shows.
This kinda proves my statement though. People only took ele if it was a dps gain.
Nope. Frostbolt damage stored as icicles and elemental damage. Didn’t even touch fo back then.
Then I kinda misunderstood your point then sorry. I thought you are arguing that people would pick LW over WE even if WE is(slightly) bigger dps, since the gameplay/pet management is so bad that it’s not worth the extra 1-2% dps increase.
Ohhh you mean when our stat prio looked like this?
Crit–> haste–> vers–>crit over33%—> the dirt → the worms inside the dirt → thrall’s stool → then mastery.
To be a pet class your main source of DPS is coming from your pet. This was never the case for We. Unlike BM/DM which they did, do and will be in the future.
Again conflating numbers vs fantasy which is what 90% of this thread is. Across the board, mastery focuses on buffing spec features with few exceptions. i’m merely pointing out it was chosen as a major feature for the mastery that expansion. For some specs mastery is priority stat, for others it isn’t depending on design, but that doesn’t change what mastery is supposed to mean or what it was communicating to the player base about the spec. Not everyone plays behind a spreadsheet.
And I’m explaining to you that if blizz decided that frost was a pet class in Legion then why didn’t they bother fixing the numbers so people ACTUALLY use the damn thing? You guessed it… because it was a dead idea the moment they introduced it. There’s no wonder they removed this in the very next expansion. And this is also a feature, but you omit it cause you don’t like it.
For some spec …
We are talking about FROST MAGE , where mastery was a DUMP stat for like 3 expansion in a row. It became our BiS offstat in DF now that it actually does something.
At the time they appeared pathogically negligent. Our mastery didn’t scale across more than 1 target unless you took lw with splittting ice. It didn’t seem to mean much at the time. I wass also a noob.
As someone barely coming back to the game at the time it communicated it was important.
That’s a blatant assumption at best. Class fantasies were at their best back in legion… class order halls, class/spec weapons etc etc. And when the class fantasy is at peak and they did not bother to get WE to be the mainstream go to talent.
Mastery also made our Frozen orb stronger so this is not true.
it was bad since Icicles were bad, cause Winter’s chill only lasted for like 2 sec on the target so icicles did not shatter and was just a really bad thing overall.
This wasn’t true until bfa. You’re wrong.
It’s all good. My argument was that unless ele was a dps gain over LW majority of people would pick LW to not have to deal with ele nonsense. Nel continues to ignore that the number of people that liked ele is a minority.
Or ele either meaning you have lost yet another point.
PS I wouldn’t argue with Zerida. They are a high performing frost mage on EU servers and knows what they are talking about.
So you are the type of persion if you find one error “gotcha” moment you focus on that and ignore everything before that? Thanks for cedeing to every single point I ever said then I guess?
EDIT: Even in ST it wasn’t picked and our mastery was outright useless, so what’s your point again?
They are the type of person that if they get presented facts they can’t refute they ignore it and shift goalposts to something completely different.
I laughed irl when they tried to discredit my opinion because I’m playing rogue this tier.
This is kinda the same level of idiocy when they find a grammatical mistake and, you are wrong cause your grammar is bad. I remember you played mage like the first 2 tiers. Even when they were not that useful. S1 and before the rework S2 so there goes the “you are a FOTM” argument of his
What was the mastery signaling in only buffing those 2 abilities? Why didn’t it include ice lance or fo.
Because every other spell was giga buffed from our Legion Weapon? Why didn’t the legion weapon had a single node that addressed WE? There were nodes that buffed icicles. Also the Mastery itself was called mastery:icicles, not WE. Why was our Mastery was our Dump stat for the ENTIRE Expansion?
Again you’re conflating bad numbers with fantasy, mastery has always emphasized aspecs of a spec. I’m sure frost isn’t the only spec that’s had garbo mastery scaling in wow history. In fact resto druid was that way last season according to icy veins. Are you saying hots suddenly aren’t core to resto because of that?
I’m going to agree to disagree here
Mastery is a more permanent feature than the artifact weapon and the notes don’t mention elemental as being added in legion, so as far as class history is concerned it was apparently a more permanent feature. The devs could have made all of this more obvious by ripping the band aid off in legion, our class fantasy expansion. Though the garbo scaling tracks with them not buffing the elemental in tow with its competition.
Yep. They bring it up because they don’t have any argument or basic understanding imo.
They honestly look like a solo type player that doesn’t do any actual content that matters to give them any understanding of what they are talking about.
No I’m not. Class fantasy is what Blizz decide it to be. I am challenging YOUR idea that blizz meant Frost mage as a pet class in legion. If blizz really wants people to use WE— > they buff WE. Easy as that. Why did they not bother addressing this for the entirety of Legion if YOUR theory about blizz is right?
So according to YOU blizz wanted mages to use WE/Pet class because “Mastery”, BUT then again they did not bother introduce relevant changes to mastery to actually matter? You really don’t see the contradiction there? I literally cannot explain this to you any more clearer.