Where is the Communication Ion wanted to get better at?

What “substance” has been communicated beyond “there will be oceanic realms” in the past month? You are truly reaching.

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July 3: What’s next after the Beta Test, plus information on the results of the Beta Test.

July 12: Oceanic Realms plus notification Realms will be released before Character Creation

July 17: Confirmation that they are still on track for an August 27th release.

These are important pieces of information. And only the fact that you have them means you can sweep them under the rug and say “No communication!”. The Oceanic Realms question was a big answer and they finally could tell us. The others are regular check ins to say they’re on track.

Would you prefer to not have those answers, but have Kaivax pop in on every second thread and go



Anyone jnow the daily ratio on classic posts to general?



There were 25 in June in the Classic discussion, but apparently that’s not satisfactory.


He is too busy bouncing while he talks in an empty room in front of a camera apologizing to retail about being “better” for the 30+ time, while waving his hands around. You know… normal PR stuff.

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