Where is my heritage armor?! I've been reduced to wear my skivvies

This post:

has inspired this post.

Also, please read this in cartman’s tone of voice from South park

Why does one of the original races not have their heritage armor Blizzard? Is this lame gear really it? I want the bra like the night elf has in the original World of Warcraft trailer and the belt thing too.

I’m tired of waiting!!


Too overly sexualized, Blizzard will now replace all Night elf Body type 2s with bowls of fruit.

… I remember a time when I was happy, those were good days.


Hi there elf.

Its not just you.
There are still several og races that do not have theirs either and are still waiting


Heritage Armor waiting room.

In b4 “wArFrOnTs ArE hErItAgE aRmoR”


Pretty sure race heritage armor is dead. Unless Blizzard thinks they can sell it in the in-game store.

Best option now is to use Discord to coordinate warfront groups.

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Not just OG races. Dranie, and Pandarens as well. Seven in total.

Don’t consider the war front armour to be racial for humans and Orcs.


Blizzard does, and that’s all that matters. To them anyway.

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“I got several sets of armor themed after my race instead of just one, I’d better be condescending and belligerent about it on the forums!”



Really? Because those sets certainly say “Human” and “Orc” to me, especially the plate sets.

Until/if Blizzard remembers heritage armor is a thing to finish, Warfront is the best it gets for:

  • Humans
  • Night Elves
  • Orcs
  • Forsaken

They use that excuse for Undeads as well. Warfront is NOT heritage no should it even be considered close to when it’s really not.


I agree completely
If were being honest, if blizzard put these in the game as heritage armor and locked them to their respective race only, people would not be complaining.

All they are missing is a label and a restriction.

Its the illusion that annoys people. Not the lack of armor. Because the armor exists in game right now.

Id love it if all other heritage armor worked the same way. The void elf one is awesome. Id use it on all races.



Also, I tried. Physically incapable of hearing it, his old voice from the late 90’s, the recent one from the last few seasons and even his adult voice in the pandemic special. He just doesn’t talk like that. :dracthyr_shrug:

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“But what about second heritage sets?” -Some Halfling


Please give Nelfs their heritage.


I know baby. I am just harping on NIGHT ELVES!!!

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I’m wearing most of it. Humans, orcs, undead, and night elves unofficially got their heritage armor from warfronts in bfa.

Cloth wearers got the pretty bra look not LW (and most of my favorite specs to play wear leather) :sob:

Then it’s not really heritage armor, is it? I can’t wear Dark Iron Dwarf heritage armor on any race but a Dark Iron Dwarf. It was also not given via a race specific quest. It’s just a copout to say that the warfront armor is “heritage armor.”


My thoughts exactly.