Rate My Classic Night Elf Girl Bikini Transmog

Hi all. I love Playing World of Warcraft. But right now I’m Bored. And I also crave Attention.

So I would appreciate you taking a look at my Classic Night Elf Girl Bikini Transmog and then tell me Does it look nice. I’m I a pretty Night Elf…hmmmm…Am I…? Does my outfit look cute? Does it come at least close to the Classic Night Elf Girl look?

If you don’t like it feel free to say so. Also I hope it looks at least close to the Original Classic Night Elf Female outfit. I couldn’t find the right feathery shoulders so I chose smaller ones that fit into the color scheme. Although this color scheme is kinda subdued it’s the best I could do. The outfit I’m referring to is the Night Elf Female Druid that was in the original Wow cinematics.

If any of you know what the actual transmog set for the classic look is, please tell me which it is. I am a Mage so I can only wear cloth. But if you can help me find the exact set, (while Druids can wear cloth they usually wear leather). I’m guessing the Druid in the pictures is wearing leather.

So what do you think…?


I think using the racial default texture when you have no clothes on is super lame.
No two items match.

Ask yourself… why are you using that head band? What does it add? It’s the same color as your hair… if you’re trying to hide it then why do you even have it?

I don’t like skimpy mogs to begin with. But on a skimpy mog scale, this is a 3/10.


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Well, I’m using that headband because I think it kinda makes me look like I have bangs. specially if other players aren’t looking too closely. That’s just a personal eccentricity of mine. The classic Female Night Elf did not have bangs or any head-wear at all.

Thanks for your reply.

PS: I love that helmet your wearing. Very nice indeed.


./ponders why he even clicked on this topic… decides it means I’m even more bored

sighs and walks away

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The color scheme is close enough to the original. So looks good. If you could find the shoulders that would be even better. I rate it as 6/10 If you get better shoulders then I would rate it as 9/10. Oh yes maybe get rid of the headband. Just saying.



Hello, I see you posted a thread about transmog. 1/10! Why? Because you look exactly like every other “bikini” Night Elf that exists in the game, haha! That’s what happens when transmog options in the game are basically zero!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!


I would mog the chocker necklace. I like your leggings. Showing the bra is borang.

I wish we could change our underwear like the new lizards

I couldn’t find a better chest-piece but because the original outfits in the pictures looks so much like the bra. I decided to leave it that way. Also I noticed that in some of the pictures and trailers, she has a necklace and in others she doesn’t.

Thanks for the reply.

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Lame. Looks like zero effort was put into it, no offense or anything. Though, I do like the staff. But the shoulders and gloves look weird.

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If you are looking for a complaint, then don’t forget this sentinel transmog that blizzard never gave in BfA to the Nelfs.


You’re very pretty Fîona. Don’t let anyone say otherwise.


Actually, I retract that. Keep the bra, you’re right, it does match best. I would go shoulder-less or not pick those you have on?

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as well as the horrible Helf sorceress in WotLK culling Stratholme that was never the magical girl version of Warcraft 3.


Bikini is Superb! , Rate Me the Dragon ! YEA ROAR

Very cool transmog OP and it look’s similar to the traditional Nelf jungle Warrior appearance.

I think where it varies is that you’ve gone partially mage with those hands and staff.

It’s… alright. The metal on the underwear does not match any other metal bits. I would use

and the purple version of those boots. nix the gloves with something purple - perhaps from the same set as the belt.

I am quite in love with the strapped-up crop top, myself.


I think hidden shoulder pads would look better.

I didn’t read your post but here’s a bump.

Here you go… One sec.
(gets bag of loot.) :gift:
