Where does it go?

I agree there was a lot of good content in BC although even more in WOTLK. I’m a bit confused though, surely if they bring out a BC server it will include the Classic content so making the classic server redundant so why not just add the expansion to the original?

The only thing wrath did better then bc was story telling.


Classic content (specifically raids) is still in retail except Naxx 40… When you add 10 levels, change talents and add new spells plus gear it kind of makes the old stuff obsolete.

Edited for clarification of intended meaning.

EQ has a system that has different solutions for this.

One is to release the next patch on a certain number of servers; another is to release the next expansion every 3 months, but it has to be voted upon by the players on that server; and the last is like a live version, where the game goes on and on, always being expanded when the next expansion is releases.

But that depends on us. If the player base keeps going down after classic is released, it probably won’t happen. So everyone, sign up for classic and let’s support it.

Let’s be hones, it’s all about the money.

Not sure about that “fresh start” option. Would we be starting in Outland at character level 1, or would that “fresh start” character start at level 60? Copying a classic character into TBC could be restricted to characters who have attained at least level 58 before being eligible to be copied into TBC.

No, it isn’t. The original classic content was lost when Cataclysm launched and replaced nearly all of it. In classic, you had to kill Hogger, not beat him down until an archmage showed up to teleport him to the Stormwind Stockade. There was only ONE Barrens, not North and South. Un’goro Crater had a complete encampment up a hillside path, not two encampments north and south of the volcano. Southshore was an alliance town.

Classic disappeared from the game with Cata’s launch. Even the starting areas’ quests for both Horde and Alliance were changed to one degree or another.


I think the overwhelming majority want classic and the toons we make there to be preserved.

I also think a pretty large majority are hoping either secretly or vocally for something post vanilla (while leaving classic alone) to be released

A lot of us want post naxx 40 man content, while a lot of others just want a classic TBC & Classic WOTLK release.

I won’t be playing classic TBC if they cut 40 man raiding out again.
The social and raid dynamics of TBC are the biggest let down from Vanilla in my experience/opinion.

If they do 40 man recreation of TBC/WOTLK then I’d be all over it. I don’t see this happening, but we can hope:). Alternatively I Hope for post Naxx 40-man content that goes it’s own path instead of retreading TBC and WOTLK. There is a lot of planned and cut content from vanilla that could be explored in a new post classic expansion.

Regardless of what comes next, I believe that classic wow and the characters we make there should be preserved/stagnant/separate from any future content (carrying the characters forward is acceptable but only if you copy your toon to the new content while preserving the classic toon)

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We have no idea how much it would cost to actually run WoW Classic servers for Blizzard.

For example. Guild Wars, the original one, not the 2nd. It’s still running. It’s getting no updates for more than 10 years but there are people playing it still and it was stated by the devs that it’s so cheap for them to host the servers that they can practically allow the game to run forever. I suspect it might be the case with Classic as well. If there is no development going on and it’s just some virtualized cloud server infrastructure, it might be sustainable with even just a handful of people playing.

most games have a finite life span that people play until they are bored, then quit. thats fine for classic

Several dungeons were ruined (imo) as well.
I miss old Sunken Temple. :cry:


Fresh start at 1 would be in the normal vanilla starting areas where you level to 58 or 60 in Azeroth and then take the portal to Outlands.

I could see a BC server “fresh start” with a level 60 toon, perhaps with a small amount of sub-BiS gear appropriate for Outlands.

And only that, depending on one’s opinion of “Tirion Fordring is mightier than the Lich King, and if you’re good enough raiders, you can watch him demonstrate it!”

Indeed. Take chess, for example. People entirely stopped playing that within a decade of its invention.

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Cataclysm completely removed all classic wow and made it an entirely new game. You are going to very surprised how much better classic wow is than the cataclysm abomination we have now.

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Again, I was referring specifically to raids. It was my error on clarification, and since I started playing after about a month and a half after the game came out I doubt I’ll be surprised. At the time I replied about a post saying that a classic server will be redundant with a BC server. The only reason this would be true is raiding and level 60 dungeons, as the leveling process is nearly identical back in BC from 1-58. As such I meant to note that classic raids were still in the live version except for Naxx to show them why merely having them in the game doesn’t make them relevant.

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Ah yeah ok. That makes much more sense. I read your post in a vaccum. My bad. :slight_smile:

All good ^.^ I should probably go back and edit that post, you aren’t the first one to comment lol

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If classic doesn’t get many people because of sharding it will likely go nowhere.

Really hope they don’t start adding stuff to the servers because maybe I want to go back and play on my toons that should be there forever.
Or it could progress to expansion eras.

I hope not. This will kill classic and just put us on a deja vu repeat treadmill cycle of expansion packs again, which I would never do in a million years.

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How so? I don’t think that’s going to be possible. Maybe you didn’t play those toons in subsequent xpacs, but they moved forward as each patch was released. There’s no “holding cell” for toons you had in the original release but didn’t play after that.

Classic will be a completely new release. Nothing that you created previously will be there; all of that stuff is in current WoW and there’s no bridge between the two. Everyone starts from the character creation screen, character level 1.