Where does it go?

Just an interested question. Once classic is released where does it go from there? Do they extend it the same as WoW, using the same expansions etc? Does it get extended with new expansions different than WoW got? Either way it no longer seems “Classic”. Or does it stagnate as a forever classic until everyone gets bored with nothing new?

It remains classic wow forever. People get bored sometimes and leave, new people come along and try, maybe new servers open so people can start from the beginning again and compete with each other.

That’s it.


I suspect that’s a little optimistic but I would agree that’s the only way to keep it classic. As long as enough people stay long enough to make it financially viable.

It stays classic, but a lot of people expect and hope for other stagnant releases. Specifically BC and WOTLK servers.


Think they will do what OSRS is doing? Once we get to the end have a vote to add things? Need a 70% yes vote for the update to be added. Just hard to see blizzard doing all this work for this just for it to die out in 2 or 3 years when nuthing new is coming

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That has been commented on on the past and is a possibility. Presumably if that was an option it would be on separate servers.

I think it is more likely that if classic is a success, Burning Crusade is an option.

But we don’t know.


no, god no. please for the love of god not OSRS.
if you want a game with changes to it we have retail.
Open up Burning Crusade Servers.
Open up Wrath of the Lich King servers.

but for the love of god, no OSRS.


Everyone who plays for new content is presumably playing Modern, where they have constant (if awful) new content.

Losing all the actual Classic players who have been asking for Classic for years in the name of “it’ll die if it doesn’t have new content, because it’ll die if it doesn’t have new content” would be a thoroughly unwise decision.

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exactly this. i am sorry but if you want OSRS go advocate for OSRS style servers.
if you want new content added you have retail.

I’m kinda hoping they do a “Seasons” thing where Season 2 launches this summer (Season 1 was Vanilla itself) and maybe in 3-4 years or so Season 3 launches and they leave the Season 2 servers up to languish or depopulate or maybe even thrive in that state – whatever happens happens with it. Then they can launch new fresh seasons every 18 months or so, retiring season N-2 or N-3 when season N launches or something like that. ETA: Season 2 is off limits and never retires in this kind of approach.

I definitely want this first launch in summer 2019 to stay forever without upgrading to BC and without retiring – let it languish for decades. It would be a cool experiment, I think.

Since they’re (most-probably) using the cloud-based server structures it’s not like they need to waste money on a dedicated set of machines to support it. It’s just a bit of memory in a database.

sorry but i’d rather not have my character retired.


After the 3 or 4 year mark I think it would be great to see some vanilla style content released as long as it doesn’t invalidate the old content or change major gameplay elements.

New dungeons/ raids with horizontal progression and gear more suited to off specs.

TBC seems more likely option if classic is successful, it would less work. There were a lot of game design changes that drove me away so I would personally like to see more content in vanilla.

Even if that doesn’t happen I’m sure I’ll get a solid 5+ years out of vanilla. Every class was fun so I plan on getting everything to 60.

Well if you’re responding to my post then a character in the Season 2 server would never be retired.

the way you word it, it sounds like that.

I also said this:

But yeah I’ll edit and make it more clear that Season 2 is off-limits and never changeable.

If you read interviews, you’d know it’ll be static. There won’t be content added.

Will they create TBC servers down the line? Maybe. They said they have no plans, but they haven’t really even thought about it.


if you want BC servers, the best thing to do is ensure classic is succesful.


That’s my wish, and (if classic is successful) probably the way to generate the most revenue. The way to keep it active after a while, would be a stand-alone Burning Crusade with the ability to copy your classic character into Classic:TBC and keep going. The original would still be there for new players to dive into, and a stand-alone TBC would be a goal for them to work towards to continue the battle.

I wouldn’t go beyond Classic:Wrath, however, as that’s where the game’s direction started to go off the rails into what current WoW is now.

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I’m guessing they give Classic at least a year to gauge the success (or lack thereof) before going into something like BC servers. Probably longer than a year. Maybe some hint Blizzcon 2020 at the earliest.

Would like for them to have multiple Classic servers. A couple for Vanilla, A couple for BC, and a couple for Wrath.

Only time will tell where they go with it.

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