Where does it go?

a couple? they had 20 servers just for blizzcon.

I would expect it to take a while before BC servers come out and I hope they do. BC was my favorite, but I donā€™t want to feel rushed at all. Iā€™ll probably transfer over when (if) they come out with them if my guild is willing, but Iā€™d like to at least step foot in AQ40 and kill nefarion. My raiding was limited to MC clears, ZG clears and a couple bosses in AQ 20, so I just want to get farther this time.

I hope that, if they do wind up launching BC servers, they just launch them clean with no transfers and make everyone level 1-60. But thatā€™s me. I donā€™t want them draining the Classic server of level-60 toons, even if those toons are not being played at all.


They could have a character copy, rather than a transfer. But the players themselves will be gone either way. Or at least dividing their time between the two games.

When I said transfer I meant that I would start playing on that one, but yes they should either do a fresh start or a copy. No matter how they do it though they need to wait for quite some time. Thereā€™s a large group who will stay with classic servers for a very long time, but a lot of other people will want to move on eventually. Best to wait until those people are starting to leave I would think.


Yeah just a preference of mine, not a deal breaker. Since it wonā€™t be for a while thereā€™s a better than average chance my preference will change between now and then.

a copy is a bad idea. very abuse-able.

Yeah, when I think about it I could foresee issues. Probably just a fresh start would be best. But of courseā€¦weā€™re putting the cart way before the horse. :wink:


Just a bit lol. Still itā€™s an obvious next step, the only question is will it happen. Thereā€™s no way they havenā€™t considered it, but they will certainly want to see how classic does first.

Just keep it running, it works, private servers have been doing it since the real classic wow and theres still people playing on them.

I would love it if they added more expansions and let you transfer to them, I would stay on the Wrath server myself, thatā€™s my favorite expansion.

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I think thereā€™s room for exploring classic as a reboot to all of the rest of WoW, ie doing it all without their old mistakes and going in new directions.

But I also think thatā€™s a discussion that should wait until people actually DO start leaving classic from the stagnation (make no mistake though, this WILL happen and classic might not stay viable without something to spice the pot).

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Donā€™t private servers reset from time to time, and a lot of the action happens on fresh servers?

Iā€™ve never played on them, only hear stories about them from peeps on this forum.

who gets to decide whats a mistake and whats not?
because for example - i would prefer bc style balance, however others would prefer wrath style balance.
i would prefer no LFD/LFR, but otehrs would prefer it.
i would prefer no flying or flying in limited flight only areas, and others would want flying from the get go and permanently.




Well thatā€™s what the discussion would be, I suppose.

For instance, changing out the older talent trees for whatā€™s seen now is one of their greatest mechanical mistakes. This is not a concept shared by all, as the old trees had much less actual effect on what you did, with many talents being simple number tweaks. We, as a community, would have to hammer out what to do about the differing opinions, and Blizzard would have to make a final decision.

What was and wasnā€™t a good idea would be a long discussion, and the time to start it in relation to redoing the expansions isnā€™t anywhere close.

hereā€™s the problem.
numbers would win this.
you would end up with flying.
you would end up with lfd and lfr.
you would end up with wrath and beyond style balance.
so basically you would end up with retail all over again.


I ā€œHopeā€ They go with a BC server that will allow transferā€™s after X amount of days or months, then go WOTLK with the same idea or just open new servers

But no one honestly knowā€™s yet Blizzard said that they just want to keep it Vanilla 101 like how it was back in the day, but a popular idea is that if it makes enough money that idea may change.

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I rather doubt it. Blizzard will not develop 2 different MMOs at once. If classic proves popular to the point where this would be a discussion that produces actual results, it means retail has become the museum piece and classic is the live game. Something would have to give and the forward progression would be handled carefully.

Hey, it goes to BC servers. This project is about restoring the original game.

If they ever release a TBC server it will destroy classics population and then my WoW days are over.

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