Where does it go?

i said most, you need to work on your reading comprehension. we are talking about video games here too

Does Chess get stagnate and boring with nothing new?


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It shouldn’t “go” anywhere. It should just exist. It’s a museum piece. If everyone gets bored with it, that should be perfectly fine. This is intended to be a static version of the no-longer-available version of World of Warcraft that launched in 2004. It should be nothing more or less than that. Once you’re done with Naxx 40 and gotten to High Warlord, you’ve beaten the game and should feel free to either do it all over again with another toon or play something else.

If they decide to go with TBC Classic (which they shouldn’t since the content that was launched with TBC and subsequent expansions is still in the Retail game), that should be an entire other thing that people who play Classic shouldn’t have to deal with.


The only way I differ from you is that I think it will more likely be the no-longer-available version that existed back at the end of 2005 rather than the launch version.

“You think you do… but you don’t.”

Just 60 levels of classic is enough. It took over 2 years for TBC to come out.
I think two years is a good time sink for classic.
After that you get to where the changes Blizz made or didn’t make, with the expansions, starts the divide in the community all over again. That is not worth reliving as far as I am concerned.

I’d enjoy new content. New zones and new quests. They needn’t be higher level.

I would also like to see some of the zones from xpacs added in, but at 1-60 levels. Like some of the cata zones, Northrend.

Your question cannot be answered sadly. BUT we can hypothesize!

For your question… I believe we have 3 possible ways of proceeding.

  1. Classic server stays classic and say a separate TBC server is added next. (i believe this can only happen if it still has a solid pop)
  2. A different version of 1, a separate server is added where you can copy your toon across instead of leveling another 1-70. (I feel this is most likely, although people still enjoy the leveling experience)
  3. As you suggested, it takes the Retail route and expansions are added at a slow rate. (i dont prefer this, i would like to have a level 60 toon stay a level 60 toon)

Could add a 4th being completely new content and a new direction. Blizzard may have fun with it.

Oh I don’t think they’ll use the launch version at all. That version had to be fixed a bunch of times. I envision something much more similar to TBC’s launch.

Hopefully BC is re-released as a classic version - we then have the option of copying our character to the BC server. After BC > Wrath Classic.

These three games are without a doubt all “classics” - some may argue the Wrath point, but BC and Vanilla are no doubt and should live on.

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As long as they don’t screw up Classic with sharding, I’ll play it while I wait for BC servers and make that my home.

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