Where do i start bfa quest line?

This is incorrect. As BFA is not available from the list Chromie offers. That said I have run into the same issue as the OP. I have no way to start BFA.


There is an NPC standing near the hero’s call board that should have the BfA starter quest.


He does not. He won’t talk to me.

It must be a bug. I can’t start BFA quest on both of my 45 characters. But a new Allied race character can start it.

I just checked on a level 30ish character, and they are also not able to see the quest. I also checked the harbor and the throne room as well as looked to see if the Boralus Portal was usable — it wasn’t.

I’d report it as a bug.

There’s some bugs:

except bfa

I could not do BFA with this character that already existed. I leveled to 50 in other areas, got the quest to get the heart of azeroth and now I have the necklace and no quests have opened up. I’m stuck…


Just got level 50 on my void elf and i can’t find a way to get to BFA, i got the quest for the heart of azeroth but that’s it, didn’t get any more quest, so what do i do now?

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So I think i found the problem. Due to level squish the condition for BFA quest thread is 45. Even though if you are fresh character you can go to BFA at 10, but if you are somewhere above you cannot pick that quest chain unless you are 45. and until SH releases or blizz patches it non fresh chars are locked out of BFA

Running into a similar situation on my Forsaken Mage I made for Exile’s Reach.

She followed the quest chain your given (which showed no option to opt to do Battle for Lorderon or Stormwind Extration) to go level in BFA and that experience for some reason included neither Stormwind Extraction or Battle for Lorderon and now that she reached 50 I still see no way to do either scenario and Ogrimmar is still phased without the Forsaken camp.

Don’t really get why they’d want to remove some of the interesting parts of BFA and Stormwind Extraction was one of my favorite parts of BFA.

Same thing happened to me, lmk if you find a solution

Same here!

This is ridiculous. I just want to level my alts in bfa why the hell does blizz always gate this game in the most arbitrary and stupid ways?


Last night I dinged 50 on this character. Chromie teleported me out and had me go see Magnie in silithus. Got my heart and after that nothing. No quest, nothing in the adventure guide, no idea what to do now. I’m a newish player that has no idea what’s going on.

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There are some bugs getting the starting quest for BfA. It’s a known issue, so they are working on a fix. (This is a big part of why they have a pre-patch — to find these bugs before the expansion goes live.)

If Nathanos on the ramparts doesn’t have a quest, and you can’t pick up a quest from the NPC standing next to the Warchief’s Command board in front of Grommash Hold, you’ll probably just have to wait for a fix. I’m seeing a lot more issues with the quest Alliance side, so it’s definately worth putting in a bug report if you are seeing it on Horde. If you go to the in game menu, select the help option. One of the options on the side is for reporting bugs.

Not sure if this was answered already - but if you are back from a break (like me) - at LVL 50 HORDE. You will have to first DO the LEGION open questline (after you get to Dalaran, just take portal back to Origmmar) and then you will see the BFA opening questline next to the mission board. HTH :slight_smile:

what if you are starting fresh, do you get to go straight to BFA? If so, how? Thanks.

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If it’s your first time, you will have to start a new character in the Exiles Reach starting zone. The zones ending storyline sends you to Org/SW and then onto BfA. Any other new character will have the option to either start in Exiles Reach, or their racial starting zone.

this helped a lot! tyvm. Logging in soon.