Where did my Classic characters go?

They made it a clear provision that it will be up for a limited time like a year into it always being up, none of us were even around that time.

But yeah it is their property and they can do with it as they please, but I can’t imagine a corporation missing out making a buck off their assets that are just sitting there.

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to the shadow realm…

Clones to bring back, they’re there, and we’ll keep asking. Get over it.

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Cant stop wont stop bump ftc (for the clones!)


I cant imagine a response from blizzard is far off, hopefully they get back to us soon, we would love to play again blizzard but wont without our mains… please bring back our characters :slight_smile: I believe in the classic team


They gotta make like Arnold Schwarzenegger and be back.


Haha well hey we have seen many of those movie stars make comebacks, but in all honesty with all the recent overwatch drama this would be a slamdunk in terms of bringing some cred amongst the players and helping that controversy blow over, they need to bring back character cloning and soon!


How many of these are we up to now.

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Your tears are savory and delicious, like a nice salty bag of chips.

:dracthyr_cry_animated: :dracthyr_cry_animated: :dracthyr_cry_animated: :dracthyr_cry_animated:

Eat up, this ain’t stopping.


Don’t mind if I do, Don Quixote.

yyeah you had like 2 years to clone them, they gave multiple warnings they were being removed.

wHy wOuLd i liE?!

c’mon bruh you ain’t foolin anyone

Yeah put it all in your mouth you dirty girl.

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You really missed the reference didn’t you? Such a shame.

You know what’s a real shame? You getting upset about people asking for clones.


You what’s a ‘real shame’? You still don’t get the reference.

You know what’s a bigger shame? That you think I’m upset.

Oh no thats just funny.


I agree. Wth is this? Why assume people wanted their character transferred to a trashier version of the game?


:frowning: joining in the conversation to say I quit playing classic in January 2021 after gaming way too hard and it affecting my personal life… I just decided this week to try and hop back in and lo & behold - I also cannot access my classic era characters </3 I’ve never even played WOTLK and don’t plan on starting today this is complete BS plz let me play my r13/naxx-geared warrior in classic era plz plz plz this really sucks!!!

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Hahahaha. Man imagine the disappointment when all you’re level 80’s are level 28 or whatever level they would be…