Where did my Classic characters go?

TBC servers were sadly removed so you must move your characters to the Wrath era if they were higher than level 60. They are probably in WotLK.

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None of this is important. You can play semantics all you like, it does not invalidate the fact that they broke the norm by pushing characters ahead without player input, as it has always been. In retail people have never advanced without committing to do so, by buying an expansion. Reasoning behind the players expecting for their character to remain in vanilla is valid. I’m not really concerned that you disagree, because imo your thinking is wrong. Continue with your twisted logic Chuckie, I’m sure you’ll find a few other contrarians who support it though.


Continue acting like people have been wronged. You can not make everyone happy. There are no victims here. Just clueless people.


Have a nice day pretzel guy. :wink:


I’m going to assume someone burned yours. Explains the constant tears.

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Don’t eat them, too much salt… bet you love ‘em tho. :kiss:


Bumping this post for return of ze clones. Thank you bruddas.


This is the only character i cloned and, boy, do i wish i had cloned others.


It’s really unfortunate, many of us didnt get the opportunity to even clone one of our characters because blizzard didnt send out even one email to notify players who werent actively playing that their classic era characters would be deleted if they didnt opt into the service…

It seems like a very unfair situation and blizzard really needs to re-enable the clone service as soon as possible.


I wasnt notified either, I just took a break towards the end of classic and upon return find that I cant play my character anymore they just straight up deleted him from classic and then transferred him over to wrath, I seriously cant believe they would do something like that without asking and then remove any way for me to play him again. Bring back character cloning please blizzard, I want to play my hunter again.


Lmao poor dude posts looking for his classic characters and the 3 people against clones got a PTSD trigger from all the clone threads and started a witch hunt :rofl:.


its fairly toxic how aggressive some of these trolls are against anyone and everyone so many people negatively affected by blizzards removal of the character cloning service, many of them not even understanding where or why their characters are gone and immediately these posters just attack them and call them a liar… wth


The OG classic servers were turned into BC servers as Blizzard correctly assumed most people would be progressing. They opened completely new servers for the ERA people and you had to specifically request for your character to move to the new era servers. After about a year and a half that option went away so you can no longer xfer any characters to classic era as all your toons are now wrath classic.

So, if I quit in 2008, did not come back until Dragonflight, all of my toons from way back then will be on Wrath?

Correct, Load up Wrath classic and your characters should be there. If you don’t see them right away just log into one of the servers you think you were on and it should update and pop your characters up. Unless you mean actual vanilla and not Classic that released in 2019. If your looking for like stuff from classic on the retail side then you might have to ask CS where they are hiding. I did that and gave them some names and they found my old characters for me. just had to login to the server and then they showed up.

Haha I think your joke flew over the head of that guy who responded to you :rofl:

Hopefully Blizzard responds soon and we get our characters back in the near future :slight_smile:


El Bumperino for el clonoes


Blizzard should get back to us soon, theres too much demand from the playerbase at this point, they more then likely have been focused on this announcement which recently passed last weekend and didnt want to dilute or distract from it and now that is overwith there is a high likelyhood we will get a response soon.

Bring back the clones.


Nothing to bring back, they’re gone, get over it.

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Exactly, peoples characters are Blizzards property to do with as they like. They offered a clone service as a nice feature for players and made a clear provision that it was for a limited time.

People who weren’t around had no reason to expect a clone service to be added and everyone who was around were also privy to the fact that it was for a limited time. Case closed end of topic - stop whining. This is why we can’t have nice things …

OP is caught out making stuff up.

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