Where are the Whales in WoW?

I, for one, dont want precious resources and time going to the creation of whales that could be better used for recoloring of mounts.

They are out far deeper in the sea than the game will let us go.


Must resist mother joke

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They really arent though because distance in wow is not 1 for 1 like it would be in the real world. It would take days to travel across the Barrens if it were. And besides, whales can be encounted off shore in many places

Ff14 has one that can carry your entire party :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

whale need more love


there flying!!

You know, this very same line could also be used to say that in WoW, Whale Sharks = Whales therefore Whale Sharks have Whale Bones.

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I think there’s an actual whale in Deepholm actually. You can see it at the coords 56.4, 12.2

It’s pixels and light

I mean… Its possible.
This is a planet where the crocodiles have 6 legs.

And spiders the size of houses exist!

…oh wait, I live in Australia, they really do exist…


That was gnaws. He was only toothless because we blew up his teeth with dynamite meat

I all the books Azeroth is described as being like the size of a normal planet. It is only in the game that things are made to appear smaller just so that we can actually play them…so the whales are further out in the sea, into the ocean.

Honestly, it’d be cool if the elemental lord of water in Outland (former Draenor) states that when the sundering of the world incurred, elemental whispers through the astral plane beckoned his power to save much of the kingdom of water from obliteration & slurped them up (the oceans & creatures) in one of the many portals to a massive world that’s deeply connected to the elemental planes of water throughout the cosmos.

That’d be a neat concept for Blizz to visit down the road – To see various worlds that were connected via portal during Draenor’s sundering, and see familiar characters & referenced deities etc.

Having a big fungal whale mount would be epic!! :heart_eyes:
Along with a baby fungal whale pet :heart: :blush:

I mean, fungal giant ground mount would be pretty neat too, but yeah. lol

Dude, I hate the Tuskarr for the simple fact that they require I have fishing to do some of their daily quests and even the more master/zone quest for Azure Span. First time my RP of not knowing cooking or fishing since I made this toon in 2009 has been an issue.

“tRaVEl thE WaSTes WiTh CaRe”. My foot

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Why are you guys trying to suggestively make WoW like FF14? Just go play FF14 and get that whale mount you like :man_shrugging:t5: :v:t5::v:t5: