That doesn’t make them a whale any more than a pug is a wolf. They’re in the same family as well.
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I remember there being a super big fish thing in vasjr that ate me while I was afk. Wasnt that a whale?
Looks more like a stone to me.
They live way, way out in fatigue water. Tuskarr know how to go out and get them. We don’t.
thats actually a pebble, which is rock
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Also, I remembered this:
It can’t come from a Whale Shark, those aren’t mammals.
I guess it could have come from an orca lol, such a disturbing item.
Too big to be a pebble…
Let’s meet in the middle and call it a small boulder
Or maybe it’s a tiny moon?
Kinda resembles phobos or deimos…I never remember which one is oblong
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I mean somebody was having fun.
most people enjoyed it from what I remember, was fun having 25 level 1 s to level 6 or so fighting off a giant elite shark in the forest , it was a chore getting it there so it wasn’t like it was happening every few minutes.
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Because we would be Fatigued trying to find them.
yes , in the Shimmering expanse Vashj’ir
Perhaps the Light forged can take a spaceship to the past and bring a few back!
Give fliying whale mount now
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Nah, same thing, whale sharks to be seen lol.
They’re all in the same group, cetaceans.
They’re all in the same group, kardashians.
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The toothed whales (also called odontocetes, systematic name Odontoceti) are a parvorder of cetaceans that includes dolphins, porpoises, and all other whales possessing teeth, such as the beaked whales and sperm whales. 73 species of toothed whales are described. They are one of two living groups of cetaceans, the other being the baleen whales (Mysticeti), which have baleen instead of teeth. The two groups are thought to have diverged around 34 million years ago (mya).
Toothed whales range in ...
They may only be whales in name only, but still kinda counts (especially when looking at old world charts that didn’t further divert sub-species). For the sake of devil’s advocate, it’s these old obsolete charts that WoW in-universe seems to follow, as porpoises in-game are also considered “whales”.