Where are the gms on classic forums?

So many posts that are obvious trolls or even harassment by some of them but no gm can be found?


Yeah the level 10 characters are out of control.


We run these forums now.


The lunatics run the asylum here.


Good one thinking there is Anyone from blizzard that reads or responds to the general forums. Unless you are in a time machine to 2010.

i wasnt hoping with wotlk classic. I too miss ghostcrawler

GM’s are game masters and supposed to be in game, even though we no longer seem to have any, what you want is a CM, community manager, GM’s Couldnt help even if we did have them and they were here.

If things get reported they will be looked at.

However, a lot of the troll posts don’t get removed even after being reported and looked at depending on what they say.

That’s kind of just how things are on here. Take that as you want to.

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thanks for the info. I didnt know that. I though cm’s were mostly twitter and facebook people but it does make sense

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level 11

:sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

I’m not crazy!


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The GMs only care if it personally hurts one of their own feelings, basically profanity or anti SJW text. My last suspension was for “masked profanity,” which wasn’t my own text. I quoted someone ELSE and was suspended for THEIR text. The suspension before that was for using the phrase “gender confused.”


That’s because one camp thinks their opinion is the only way and anything else is “trolling”, while Blizzard moderates based on reality.

The moderators are there. They just don’t agree.

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Yeah, I agree and that’s the thing.

This forum has some actual trolls meaning people who swap to many characters with only the intent to troll. I’ve been here for awhile so I’ve seen it. However, the moderators can’t do anything with posts that aren’t outright trolling.

However, differences of opinion and trolling are not the same. YES, people do call others with different opinions on here trolls all the time and that’s just not correct.


dont feed that troll. they have been following me on their alts harassing me for weeks

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The level 28’s are pretty bad too.

my forum character is bugged because i used a boost at 28

I too am still waiting for my pony.

Lol, you’re about 8 years too late.


That’s possible. But I’ve been constantly accused of this and it’s false so only Blizzard really knows the reality. It’s really up to them to determine what “trolling” means and they probably have to sift through a bazillion posts from the people who can’t handle their emotions and report every post. It wouldn’t surprise me if Blizzard’s instinct is to ignore the report with a quick skim until its blatant.