Where are the Devs? Lack of discussion

I’m 32, self employed, engaged, I have two dogs, I’m a multiple-time home owner, I run three businesses that all generate income for me whether I’m laboring or not. I also travel a ton, hike a ton, and generally just live a really good life.

Making good life decisions allow people to have the time to do things they want to do, and one of the things I like to do is raid in WoW. The time that takes is significantly less than you lead on.

I’m also a pretty public person. My Twitter is pretty easy to find that has links to all my other stuff that exposes all kinds of stuff about my life. Here’s a start



Try not to be so cliche next time. Not everyone that plays WoW the way I do is how you wish we were. You can have a good, functioning life and also raid. And if you’re lucky, you’ll even find someone who supports your hobbies. My fiance has no idea about anything to do with WoW, but she found a way to armory my character and draw me this when BFA was about to come out and she knew I was excited for it


It was corny as hell, but absolutely adorable.


I’ll be blunt: Nobody cares for the life story of a random person who could be anyone, especially on the internet. Might be you, might be not. You a forum avatar, like anyone else here.

I asked you to understand how other people feel. If you’re truly above 30, then you clearly have the required competence to reflect emotional intelligence and why people are upset about the overall situation.

I mean you multiple times tried to summarize my “life story,” did so incorrectly, and when I asked if you were intending to be serious you replied yes.

So obviously it was a point you cared to make. Don’t deflect when you were completely wrong. Eat your crow and move on.


The devs are probably busy. The timing of these adjustments and the patch notes look like live team is behind schedule. They got a date to meet, so probably working extra hours. Blizz don’t have much of a culture of coming here and arguing about why anything is the way it is anyway. If you wanna hear lots of details from the devs, ya pretty much have to watch VODs of 1 on 1 interviews.

This is probably a generally needed policy for the devs behind software of hundred K and up concurrent usership. Frankly, it is just annoying to have 100 replies in your inbox every time you post something, whether it is people agreeing or disagreeing. Who wanna deal with that every day? It is not useful.

A simple “no, I’m not” would have it also done.

I do not buy into this. It might be you but everyone could just fake this. Should this be the indeed you, then good for you having such a life, although it raises several red flags at the same time. In the end, it still is about the FOMO-aspect and the undead saber mount and why everyone should have a chance in getting this.

They earn so much money, they can afford a few people more to deal with feedback. Community managers are usually the low-butt monkeys in this situation but given how profitable WoW is, they simply could work on these issues and optimize the workflow.

The community manager posting here 3 times a day, click the blue tracker. The thread seem more about the devs. Community manager don’t know the truth. She aint sitting in the engineering pit taking notes. She’s making stuff for Twitter.

This blue post was posted on July 28th, and as Maizou said, they’ve had a long time to correct the misconception that the majority of the players had. They either chose to ignore the issue or they were totally unaware of it. Either way, it just demonstrates that they do not actually pay attention to their customer base.

Does this matter? The one guy they left in charge of SL could have easily scrolled through the forums. It’s not like people haven’t been posting.


match the tattoo if you’re still suspicious. you generalized a demographic of player using cliche stereotypes and were wrong. you should reflect on that before you go spamming up the forums pointing fingers at people for being bad actors

everyone does have a chance to get it and most of the people that actually want it will do so. if somebody wants it but does not want to go through whatever achievement Blizzard decides to make for it, then they will not get it.

but everyone has a chance to get it.

yeah, obviously it does lol. they work scheduled hours, they aren’t on unlimited time budgets. the less people there are, the less attentive they can be to feedback. season 4 isn’t supposed to be a massive tier or anything; it’s basically just extra stuff during what would normally be the content drought.

it is far better for everyone if most of the resources including time are put into dragonflight

Actually, season 4 is not “extra stuff” it is a test they are running to see if they can repurpose old content as new. I’d say that it is pretty important for them to pay attention to such test for if they do not, how will they know if it worked.

Perhaps people need to stop defending them. They have had record profits, they can afford one guy to scroll through the forums.

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The current scuttlebutt is that Blizz purposely made the 500 mount achievement reward the Yeti expressly so that they could “change it” later and so pretend they “listened to the community” and make the, frankly, only marginally better Otter look much better by comparison. I suspect if they made it the Otter to begin with, people would have complained about it too (like I have). But because they already “changed” it once, it’s much harder for arguments like mine to gain traction. A clever bit of social manipulation really.

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i don’t even think it’s a good idea to listen to the general discussion forum for feedback.

the gd is full of people that don’t play the game at all and get into forum arguments for 12 hours a day just to make their sub worthwhile.

this place was in favor of locked covenant powers before shadowlands launched. that was a nightmare.


These people may not play the game, but they are paying customers.

It was changed from 1 alpha build to another just like “lets get this out of the way”…instead of comprehend the playerbase that was vocal about this kind of goal.

i can invest in a company and still not know a damn thing about how to run it

You’re one exception to the norm. And given the posts you have done in the 1% topics, I rather do stay in my ways and continue to support people who should have a chance in getting these items. That’s all what I have to say.

Every raiding guild I’ve been in is packed with similarly happy/successful/etc people. In fact, most guilds can only succeed when they’re full of adults. I don’t know of any successful guild ran by teenagers.

Sorry man, you’re just legitimately wrong lol

They do have a chance to get them.

I personally don’t care if it’s in LFR or not. If more people want it than not, doesn’t bother me at all if they get it. I’ll probably get it in my bags and forget about it and then delete it before next expansion or something.

But the idea that it’s some massive wrongdoing that it require normal? Come on lmao. Pretty much anyone can do normal that isn’t intentionally getting in their own way from doing it… and if you are intentionally getting in your own way, then you are intentionally not completing the achievement required and shouldn’t get it.


Your first problem was you’re talking in trade chat.

Hello, I see you replied to the thread. You have a very young looking mother.

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

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Well they have their community council. The thing is, people just conclude that because the developers don’t do what the vocal minority in the forums say, they don’t listen to “the players”. It would be better to say, they don’t “always” listen to “the small percentage of players that are very vocal in forums”.

You are right, people might not be playing certain content because they don’t like it or it wasn’t implemented properly, maybe they feel WOW is just too old a game, maybe WOW doesn’t scale well for mobile which is the new trend or maybe they are excited by all the new games coming along. In the end they have to take all they’ve got and make a judgement.

As for High Elves, they have added them. I’ve been playing Blood Elves which are Horde High Elves from when I started playing around Cataclysm time. Now I’m leveling Void Elves, which are Alliance High Elves, for my main and top two alts in DF.

Now some people argue BElvs and VElvs are not High Elves but that’s just an opinion. Others argue Blood Elves are High Elves who just took a new name and Void Elves are High Elves who got themselves tangled up with the Void.

The Devs saw the debate in the forums, see from their own data that Blood Elves are popular and found a way to create Void Elves for the alliance. Needless to say, of the groups mentioned above, one is angry because there are still no High Elves, the other is happy because they can now play High Elves in either Horde or Alliance.