Where are the Devs? Lack of discussion

Being called incompetent by NEETs with the English skills of an 8 yr old for over a decade probably didn’t motivate them to engage with the community more

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I don’t blame them. The people who play this game are never satisfied and constantly feel like they are owed something by Blizzard’s employees. We’re easily one of the worst fanbases to ever exist and never have anything good to say about the game, just always whining. Players by and large don’t even play the PTR or Alpha to give actual feedback.

Just look through any archives of the forum over the passed 18 years and you will see players just constantly upset.


this. i’d hate my job so much if that was my customer’s feedback.
you guys suck


It’s always “activision this and that” which people say killed blizzard, and never “well maybe it’s us, the players who never appreciate the current game” that sucked the soul out of blizzard

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The toxic behavior stems from the developers not acting like professionals and making the game consumer-friendly.

Probably on a yacht somewhere enjoying the summer.

The mother of all bingos. While I do think Blizzard has some fault in it, designing the game around monetization more than they should have. Why does now a measly 4% of the player base raid normal? Maybe because people don’t want to play with toxic individuals.

I remember when I started in BC. I made this night elf hunter. As soon as the intro narrative ran, and I ended up in Teldrassil, there was a couple of dudes running around in their tiger mounts. They offered me help, and a guild to learn in. I remember my first question “what am i supposed to do?”, and the guy said, “as much as you want to put into wow, you get out of it.” People needed each other back then, they had to depend on each other in a lot of cases, even leveling at times.

I see the counter argument that this is not true because classic exists, and nobody wants to play it. Yes, I agree, but they don’t’ want to play it because they don’t want to depend on each other. They want retail, spam group invite, minimal interaction, finish quick for my roll, rinse and repeat. The people have changed, big time.

Most engineers have nothing to do with the customers. They are in some cubicle somewhere buried in C++ code or what ever computer language is being used. It’s the Marketing people that take the abuse from the people who love to complain but then that’s their job.

As far as I’m concerned the game is player friendly. This is my number one go to game and has been since Cataclysm.

So if I’m suppose to be miserable, what am I missing?

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Nothing. There’s a faction in GD that defines player friendliness as “I get everything I want”.

The players drove Blizzard away and given the vitriol they face here, I don’t blame them for not wanting to have anything to do with GD.

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Seeing Hunter get full blown new talents and hard reworks of their tree.

Meanwhile Druid is literally stagnating.

What a joke.


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The real definition of Blizzard balancing, is creating a cycle, or rotation of fluctuating class tiers. At some point every class has found a nice spot to be in, but was just changed, to give other classes time to feel correct.

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Sounds lazy.


What comes instantly into my mind:

  • Account-wide features
  • Less class-restrictions
  • Class and Race fantasies (transmogs) to represent what you play
  • Class Halls and on-going story elements
  • Update of older content (graphics)
  • Better accessibility in the old and new content
  • We have account wide features. Once my 1st toon figured out how to fly they could all fly.
  • Each class has it’s pros and cons as they should.
  • Yeah, I’d like a pair of black tights because they match any top but that’s not a reason to be miserable.
  • How are class halls different than guilds?
  • They update older content as needed. See the Blasted lands, Dark shore, Lordaeron, etc.
  • It’s pretty easy to get just about anywhere from anywhere in the WOW world
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Don’t you think that professions like Archaeology should be account-wide? If no, what do you suggest for the MoP-stuff?

You post on an alt, what races do you play else to come to this conclusion?

It’s a content you should actually try out and see for yourself, it’s from the Legion-expansion.

Yes, but at which rate? Don’t get me wrong, it’s likely a lot work involved in updating the old content but for the mass amount of money they earn this shouldn’t be a low priority.

No. Depending on what you want to do, it’s not easy. They removed with Legion a lot of portals which made older content more accessible and the new portal halls won’t cut it.

I post from my main and none of what you have suggested makes me miserable.

I asked why I should be miserable, not why you should be miserable. Now I know that the people who love to complain believe they speak for everyone but you don’t.

You are entitled to your opinion but you are not entitled to my opinion.

What’s also bothering me a lot is the lack of players participating in the CC. Blizzard really needs to manage the members. The few posts that are written are almost always from the same tiny amount of players and I expected a lot more people there.

It seems like a lot of people got an invitation but then never bothered to write anything. I personally know 2 people who never used it and that’s really frustrating. If it becomes clear that some players are inactive then they should be removed and another wave of people should come in.
With such a small number of participants there is hardly any real discussion going on.

This can’t be seriously your main. I mean, look at your achievement score. You have done nothing in the game. You don’t even know then what I’m speaking of.

I’ll let this discusion pass, you’re too new too understand what I’m talking about it, I can’t ask for you to know things you haven’t heard before.