Where are the Devs? Lack of discussion

That is exactly why a rational company uses a well staffed community management team which engages customers and handles the transfer of information to customers.

Blizzard have always done a poor job of that, and this time is no exception.

I like how everyone screams that there’s not enough time to get df ready, and blizz needs to deliver a solid product or the game is dooooomed, but then also, geez blizz what’s up, no time to come chat with us…

It’s certainly not a binary choice.

I like how you don’t understand the team working on season 4 is not working on dragonflight.

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And I, in turn, like how you don’t seem to realize op never specifically mentioned s4 or df

Blizzard is too busy checking their “Spreadsheet of Previous Lies” against planned future lies so they don’t get caught out lying that contradicted prior lies (“We are listening”… lol).

That’s a lot of work - no wonder they don’t have time to come here and lie to us some more.

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Devs are all learning how to act normal and not drink and harass people at work. Stuff most of us learnt in grade six. That or most of the best ones left to dreamhaven. I wonder what they are cookin up over there.

Think about what you said, my reply, and then your reply.

If you don’t understand how you’re new reply makes no sense, try again.

It’s August. That’s when people take vacations while a skeleton staff says around and manages the shop.

Everyone goes back to work in September. Most of us learn to get by through August without someone holding our hand.

I’m just ready for blizzard to shutdown at this point…That way I can move on and quit caring about the game and the time I wasted for years on this game and quit being continuedly disappointed.

I was told for years to quit playing this game as a pvper by the community yet it’s the very reason that made me fall in love with world of warcraft but saying it’s a shadow of it’s former self would be a compliment.

Just waiting for wrath for wpvp and the real patient game Dragonflight and what it does to cater to pvpers.

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It was the dev communication during Cata that had me thinking “this is an important factor why the game had 10-12 million players” at the time. The communication definitely got worse after that.
The current low level of communication and significant mistakes like the slime cat change make it easier for me to decide to do other things more often.

/begin rant Removing Bladestorm from fury… has me furious. The devs said we shouldn’t feel pruned, but removing a skill from fury that we’ve had access to for a decade now that is very fun to use removes a significant amount of fun from playing my warrior. I’ve tried arms several times over the years and cannot stand it. I will never go arms again. Removing Bladestorm from fury is a major mistake that needs to be corrected ASAP while the devs are iterating on the fury tree. /end rant

Awwww I bet your parents are so proud of you

“Where are the Devs?”

They have abandoned us and only talk to a few streamers now apparently.

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The game had that many players because Chinese players used hourly time cards and each one was considered a subscription.

not in the NA client. Great Firewall.

Why wouldn’t they ignore it? They already ignore any feedback that doesn’t come from Guilds like Liquid. Heck, they even admitted that they were tuning Sepulcher trying to stay ahead of Liquid.

So congrats to everyone who is not a 1% Raider; they don’t GAD about our opinions. We, the unwashed masses, are too stupid to appreciate their art.

In short, we’re all ****** until Phil Spencer comes in and starts firing the current managers.

-Help us, Microsoft; you’re our only hope!


Another case where the side beaten in logic falls back to personal insult.

beaten me how? i love how you assume you have crushed someone and now you rest on the laurels of your victory hahaha you are so proud of yourself im just gonna watch in awe

Where is the druid/priest class dev???

I’ve seen all sorts of rumours from them being on vacation, to them quitting months ago on good terms leaving no one to fix the absolute mess that is the druid skill tree and probably the same for priest.

Why are we being ignored in all the class threads on Alpha feedback while other class devs are not only actively engaging with the players but also making use of class specific discords to go above and beyond. I expect this type of treatment for EVERY class.

People are complaining that the Devs haven’t been responding lately.
I point out it August, people are on vacation while a skeleton staff does the work.
You tell me my parents must be proud of me (a personal comment, nothing to do with the topic).

Ok so if you haven’t thrown in the towel, make a comment about the issue being discussed. Does it or does it not make sense that WOW devs not responding to the Community Council would taper off in August when people tend to be on vacation.

Try doing this while leaving my parents out of the discussion.